[center][url=https://open.spotify.com/track/5gWtkdgdyt5bZt9i6n3Kqd?si=37957e6e11974ccb][img]https://i.postimg.cc/05m61xNT/Elena-Castellano-removebg-preview-1.png[/img][/url][/center][right][sub]Interactions: Loni,Luci [@FernStone], Elijah [@Theyra][/sub][/right][hr] [indent] Elena stepped back into the room, offering Loni a small, reassuring smile in response to the wave. Her gaze, however, softened as it landed on Luciana, still curled tightly against her mother’s side, her tiny frame trembling with the weight of exhaustion and fear. The sight of the little girl’s trembling frame struck a deep chord within Elena, awakening that familiar, protective instinct—the same one that had driven her to carry Luciana through the chaos earlier without hesitation. There was something about the way the child clung to Loni, as if the world outside was too vast, too cruel to face alone. It was a sentiment Elena understood all too well. “[color=#f9c2bf]Guess I don’t make the best first impressions,[/color]” Elena said lightly, though the warmth in her voice betrayed a genuine fondness. She took a step closer but remained at a respectful distance, unwilling to press Luciana for more than she was ready to give. “[color=#f9c2bf]She’s got good instincts, though. You’re her whole world right now.[/color]” At Loni’s question about magic, Elena glanced toward Elijah, briefly wondering how much he’d be willing to share. She wasn’t one to divulge details about herself easily, not after learning how quickly people could turn curiosity into suspicion. Still, she listened attentively as Loni described her abilities, her interest piqued at the mention of both Green and Black Lux. While Elena wasn’t an expert on Lux, she understood enough to recognize the strength behind Loni’s abilities. “[color=#f9c2bf]That’s impressive,[/color]” she remarked genuinely, arms crossing loosely over her chest. “[color=#f9c2bf]Holding that shield up, keeping Luciana safe? That’s more than useful. That’s guts.[/color]” With a pause, she considered how much she wanted to reveal, but ultimately, Loni’s forthrightness deserved an honest response. [color=#f9c2bf]“I’m an Adept, too,”[/color] she admitted with a small shrug. [color=#f9c2bf]“White Lux—nostalgia-based stuff. I can… tap into the past, memories, echoes of things left behind.”[/color] At this, her fingers absentmindedly glided over the edges of her crossbody bag, which held her cherished tea infuser—her Channeler. [color=#f9c2bf]“It’s not exactly the flashy kind of magic, but it’s useful when you want to know things.”[/color] She hesitated for a moment before adding, [color=#f9c2bf]“My mom taught me most of what I know, too. She runs an herbal shop in the South Side, so I picked up a thing or two about blending tea with magic. It helps people remember things they’ve lost… or forget things they’d rather leave behind.”[/color] A flicker of somberness flashed across her visage, but she quickly tempered it with a sardonic smile. Directing her gaze toward Elijah, she quipped, [color=#f9c2bf]“What about you? You seem like the ‘stabbing things with a spear’ type, but I’m guessing there’s more to it than that.”[/color][/indent]