For as long as they were being led through the restaurant, Senjen was simply following close behind Light and letting him take the lead. That did give him a chance to look around, and despite the severity of their situation, he could not help but to indulge his curiosity. The architecture of the restaurant, and most of this area around it, was largely Human. Out of all the aliens he had seen, their buildings were most like what he was used to back home, but that familiarity made their differences stand out even more. Utaysi were climbers by instinct, and even in a gravity well, their cities were built with verticality in mind. Walls were built with holds they could use for easy ascending along lanes of foot traffic, and ramps were only ever used in certain places where heavy cargo was often moved. Coming to this station had been the first time Senjen had seen stairs in person, though he had to wonder why they were even needed in this place? They seemed redundant. The waiter escorting them seemed perfectly willing to float up to the top floor with them, though perhaps that was just because of the nature of their visit. Senjen observed curiously the chandelier Light had pointed out. It was hard to miss, in any case, but he probably would not have paid much attention to its more odd features had Light not mentioned them. It was easy enough to dismiss it as an ugly light fixture, but now that he was paying attention, it did not particularly mesh with the rest of the restaurant’s style. It was too cold in an otherwise warm space. Out of curiosity, Senjen adjusted the filters on his visual sensors to see if it was emitting any higher-energy wavelengths in the EM spectrum. Shoving strange technology into what was probably a front company [i]also[/i] seemed like a poor way to maintain anonymity, in his mind. Senjen tried not to make eye contact with any of the other patrons on the way. It was strange enough for him to be here to begin with, but at least with Light at his side he had the excuse of just tagging along with a friend. He just wished he had more meaningful observations to contribute when Light questioned him. The only thing that stood out was what Light had already noticed. “No idea. This is literally the first time I’ve been in a restaurant. This tech they have, though, do you think they've had eyes on you since we've landed?” He messaged back. In general, Senjen did not trust anyone around them at the moment, and the person the waiter had brought them to was no different. However, it took only a short exchange between Light and the Human to make it abundantly clear this was who they were meant to be meeting. Senjen prepared the file and looked to Light, needing only a nod for confirmation.