Hopefully I haven't slipped up anywhere while making this. Here is my guy. [hider=Sir Shane the Shy] [Center][h1]Sir Shane the Shy[/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cfe8fa67-f4ee-42eb-a7df-579cbf146cb0.png[/img] [h3][u][b]Item Tags: Backpack[/b][/u][/h3] {} A Good Sword {} {} A Sturdy Shield {} {} A Sizable Coin Purse {} {} Courtly Love Keepsake {} {} Rope {} {} Whetstone {} {} Trail Mix {} [h3]{•} [u][b]Devotion: Knight of Stormhelm[/b][/u] {}[/h3] {•} Full Plate Armor {} {•} Loyal Horse {} {} Chivalrous Resolve {} {} Awe Inspiring {} {} Eager Squire {} [color=ed1c24]City Mouse[/color] {} {} {} EXPERIENCE | {} {} {} DECAY [h3]{•} [u][b]Trade or Skill: Knightly Training[/b][/u] {}[/h3] {•} Swordsmanship {} {•} Horsemanship {} {} Lancing {} {} Practiced Footwork {} {} Archery {} [color=ed1c24]Impractically Honorable[/color] {} {} {} EXPERIENCE | {} {} {} DECAY [h3]{•} [u][b]Trait: Brave[/b][/u] {}[/h3] {•} Charge {} {•} Hold The Line {} {} Unflinching {} {} No Hesitation {} {} Determination {} [color=ed1c24]Reckless[/color] {} {} {} EXPERIENCE | {} {} {} DECAY [h3]{•} [u][b]Personality: Shy[/b][/u] {}[/h3] {•} Quiet As A Mouse {} {•} Still As A Statue {} {} Better With Animals Than People {} {} Introvert Solidarity {} {} Master Of Excuses {} [color=ed1c24]Socially Inept[/color] {} {} {} EXPERIENCE | {} {} {} DECAY[/Center] [/hider]