[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220729/023912a75a8a9b16c801799640a60148.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 470 [b]Level 9 Roxas:[/b] 71/90 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] 1 (x2) [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 73/90 [h3]The Dead Zone[/h3][/center] The arrival at the end of the maze was about as ominous as it could have possibly been. Roxas had been more or less expecting a Consul or two to show up like they had in Midgar. But [i]three[/i]? Moebius must have been getting increasingly annoyed with the Seekers’ progress to up the ante like this. To make matters worse, all the monsters in Qliphoth began to gather until they merged into a huge and terrifying worm beast… thing. It didn’t take long for things to get chaotic. There were four enemies and about twenty or so Seekers all looking to settle things. And the Nobody was no exception to this. The first thing Roxas did was get off as many Tailwinds as he had time for, aiming to prioritize giving speed buffs to some the larger or slower Seekers who needed it most. That meant that the likes of Ganondorf, Edelgard, Goldlewis, and even Sectonia all got a temporary speed buff courtesy of their Keyblade wielding ally. The last person Roxas used Tailwind on was himself, of course. And in the moments it took to do this he could already see different fights begin to unfold. [color=gold]”My turn!”[/color] Roxas said as he sprung into action. He decided to follow after Roland and Juri and target D initially. Once Roland and Juri’s attacks were launched, Roxas seemingly appeared out of thin air to the Consul's left and slashed at him with his ignited StepSword. The nature of the attack let him slip through the blood rain but also consequently isolated him on the inside of the blood moat. He also didn’t count on the Consul also being able to teleport, as D appeared explode into a small swarm of bats as a means to avoid the attack from Roxas before the bats reformed a short distance away. Now he was officially standing. “Foolish boy!” D mocked as he unfurled his cape and released a volley of spherical fireballs that looked like they could have come from Hell itself. But Roxas was more than quick enough to get himself out of their trajectory and launched himself for another direct attack against the Consul with his Keyblades. Unlike Roland’s sword, D noted something quite different about this boy’s weapons as he pivoted away from their strikes and pushed the lad back again. He could sense the stench of Light in them, and subsequently in the boy himself as well. “You shall find no Light to give you sanctuary in this domain! Have at you!” Roxas narrowed his eyes. [color=gold]”We’ll see about that!”[/color] He said before launching into another assault on the Consul that went about the same as his previous attempt. Between his StepSword and D’s own proclivity to teleport, the two may as well have been engaging in a battle of vanishing attacks, neither one able to land a direct strike on the other yet. At least until D managed to grab the Keybearer by the collar and proceeded to hurl him away and through the damaging blood rain. "A waste of time!"