[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240315/de039f859a0f7ed86c79f6d4265d3386.png[/img] [b]Word Count:[/b] 511 [b]Level 7 Ganondorf:[/b] 35/70 [b]Level 5 Captain Falcon:[/b] 6/50 [b]Exp Gained:[/b] +1 (x2) [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 37/70, 8/50 [h3]The Dead Zone[/h3][/center] The remainder of the climb was more or less uneventful. Save for the increasingly ominous atmosphere anyway. But when the Seekers had finally reached what had to be the end, they were greeted by what was clearly going to be their toughest challenge yet. Not one, but three of the Consuls stood before them. Well, two of them stood. One of them remained seated on a throne. And to make matters worse, they called on all the monsters in the Qliphoth to come together until they merged into what Ganondorf and Captain Falcon both assumed had to be the Guardian. [color=1f66b2]”By my count we still outnumber you.”[/color] The Captain pointed out, not really expecting the Consuls to be intimidated by numbers alone. He probably wouldn’t have been either. [color=1f66b2]”Even if you DO have a big ugly monster on your side.”[/color] He gestured toward the Gerudo who was standing nearby. [color=1f66b2]”Besides, we’ve got a ‘monster’ of our own, don’t we, Ganondorf?”[/color] Ganondorf let himself smirk as he focused his glare squarely on the three members of Moebius standing before them. [color=797979]”Hmph. Indeed.”[/color] The warlord summoned his trident to his hand and then a squad of Moblin spearmen to back him up. And the Gerudo was not keen to waste any time. As he went on the move, he felt the benefit of a speed buff from one of his allies (Roxas) but did not get a glimpse at who was responsible for it. Nevertheless, it allowed Ganondorf to charge ahead of his Moblins like a commander leading his infantry into battle. And they were charging for Consul A, or rather, the group of Consul A’s that appeared directly after being engaged by Jr and Rika. And Falcon was sprinting right alongside the Warlord, having evidently chosen to focus on the same enemy. Ganondorf’s attack came first. The imposing Warlord went crashing into the ranks of Consul A and his reflections, opening with a circular throw of his trident that he hoped would catch them all briefly with its lightning damage. After that he decided to test out one of his newly acquired boons - Mortal Coil. He re-summoned his trident and channeled darkness into it before spear-throwing it at one of the Consul A reflections, hoping to forcibly pull him in like a whaler harpooning his quarry. His Moblins, meanwhile, had chosen to focus their charge on another of the reflections entirely. The Captain, meanwhile, stuck to what he did best. He picked a single Consul A among the four that were present and zeroed in on them with his own natural sprinting speed. [color=1f66b2]”Falcon Kick!”[/color] He shouted as he blazed along the ground toward his chosen opponent with a fiery sliding kick to serve as his opening move. It was mostly a way for him to close the distance as he immediately followed that up with a flurry of blindingly fast kicks. [color=1f66b2]”Gen’ei Kyaku!”[/color]