The girl that had just crashed into Annika tumbled over and [i]growled[/i] at her. She used animal magic to take on the traits of some feline predator, and though she was more ferocious than Annika was right now, Annika had tricks of her own. And Jack knew this so he turned his attention to [i]Salem.[/i] The man whipped his hands around and flicked a golden sword into existence. Jack made a motion with both hands, and a scythe appeared, black as night and sharp as a razor. The lower end of its haft met the blade, and Jack curved it over, bringing it down low in a circular motion that flung Salem off balance. This made the blade move between them, and Jack moved thrust it upwards like a spear. The dull side of the blade smacked Salem across the face, knocking him back. [color=6644ff]"Annika, use your advantages against her,"[/color] He said, cryptically. Annika knew what he meant. Salem rolled over and onto his feet. His hands started to glow gold, as a chain launched towards Jack, which had a blade at the end. He sidestepped it, and threw his scythe at the chain. The scythe fell inwards and became a shadowy hand that yanked Salem towards Jack. And he teleported, seeing that coming. A flash of yellow light, and Salem was behind Jack, swinging a fist. Jack stumbled and spun around, lashing out at the man with his shadowy arm that spooled out like an anchor chain. It swept the man's feet out from under him. And people were pointing phones at the four of them, from across the street.