[center][abbr=Ace Cadet][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190924/544c85ab5c75bc61a4bb5ce40dc0caa6.png[/img][/abbr] [color=salmon]Word Count: 488 (+1 exp x2)[/color] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 283/90 [b]Location:[/b] Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone[/color][/center] Ace knew from the jump that this was going to be rough. For all of them, facing down three Consuls and a Guardian; for himself, in the absolute chaos that was sure to unfold. But he was undaunted, bracing himself for what was about to happen. The arena wasn't large enough that anyone could just choose a target and ignore everyone else, but if he just focused on the task at hand he figured he could get through it. They all could. They'd faced horrible odds before, and if only a handful of the group assembled now could take down Guardians and Consuls then surely all together they'd pull through. And after spending a miserable morning in the Dead Zone, now that the final challenge was in front of them the Seekers were eager to put an end to this mission. It didn't seem like any of them thought they'd lose here. The Cadet was of the same mind. Almost as soon as the Guardian actually revealed itself, the situation swiftly exploded into battle. The heroes split off after their chosen adversaries. [color=salmon]"Each to their strengths,"[/color] Ace said, partly to himself, which meant that he would be going after the biggest, ugliest monster there - the Gravemind. One of the Consuls sat right in front of it, but several allies were already bearing down on the man. Ace left them to it, making a beeline for the monstrosity. When he felt the effect of Midna's Dragon Dances, spread to the rest of the team by a dance of Primrose's own, the hunter steeled himself. But this was different, he realized - it was hard to explain, and even hard for himself to understand, but the buff had a noticeable different feel than the earlier ones that had fallen over the whole group. He grinned. Faster and stronger without the drawback? He'd definitely take that. [color=salmon]"Let's go!"[/color] Ace had stowed the Breechshot in favor of the long sword Yato, and while the Gravemind was pelted with ranged attacks the hunter went after its trunk. He rolled through the shockwave of one of the Gravemind's massive tentacles slamming down, side stepping the blood spray and close quarters combatants closing in to get there - close enough that should someone need his help he could still intervene while fighting. The sword was flicked upward, carving into the monster's main body. Or what Ace assumed was its main body. This thing was some sort of condensed flesh golem, if he was correct in understanding how it had formed in front of them. It looked as though it could jettison parts of itself out to become individual monsters again, but it had spoken - so it had one consciousness, right? It was hard to tell if cutting pieces off of it would hurt the thing or just diminish its size, but he wouldn't know until he tried. So the hunter sliced at it, putting theories to test. [indent][/indent] [center][abbr=Pit][img]https://i.ibb.co/7VzgY22/pit.png[/img][/abbr] Word Count: 508 (+1 exp x2) [u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 191/80 [b]Location[/b]: Inside the Qliphoth, The Dead Zone[/center] Once things kicked off, Pit didn't waste any time jumping into the fray. He opened with his specialty - his archery. Light arrows flew, splitting into three and randomly streaking towards D, the cluster of As, and the Gravemind. He jumped up while firing, both for slightly better vantage so that the arrows might not strike anything else before reaching their destinations, and because he recalled the first boon he'd gotten inside the demon tree: that so long as he was airborne, he would be stronger. Quickly he changed strategy, and instead focused most of his fire on the monstrous leader of the floodfested. At least until one massive arm came down, and the angel used that opportunity to change targets again. He darted toward the arena's center, aiming to make the most of Juri flanking the Consul by getting in close on D's opposite side, thus catching him in a pincer. Unfortunately Pit didn't make it that far. He'd nearly closed the distance, his bow brandished as dual swords, when an unexpected carnival ride came flying his way. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Wh-?!"[/color] Was the only thing he had time to get out before the tractor-shaped steel seat slammed into him. Together with the ride Pit careened halfway across the area. It broke apart when it -and Pit- hit the ground and came to a stop, immediately after which the angel rose to his feet, shoving the broken pieces off of himself. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What gives!"[/color] He saw then the state of the arena's left side. Of course he'd been aware of it transforming while he'd been moving and firing, but now he could see just what it had turned into. A zoo exhibit and an amusement park attraction?! If only there weren't a million other things happening in the battle at the same time, or Pit would have laughed. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Okay, change of plans!"[/color] he declared to himself, taking off again. Roxas had taken up the spot on D's other flank, so this time Pit ran to the crazy side of the fight, putting down a few floodfested with his swords as he crossed the field in the opposite direction they were headed. Though he joined the opposition against O, he was no more effective against the enigmatic Consul than Rika and Junior were at the moment. He snapped his bow back together, pulling the ethereal string and loosed another round of light arrows. They traced the only visible part of O, curling tightly around the disembodied eyes in different elemental colors. None had any effect or struck anything solid, their energy eventually fizzling out. So it wasn't just that he could phase through physical attacks - was he really not even present in the fight? Pit came to a stop when he was near Blazermate and the royal siblings, his eyebrows furrowed and his bow raised. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"What kind of boss is this guy supposed to be?"[/color] he asked of O mockingly. Still, he hoped one of the other Seekers could come up with some ideas that would let them fight the guy for real.