[h3]Ehlm City, Approaching the Central Spectral Woods[/h3][hr]
Wren used the hours to show Ebony the basics of using a pistol, even offering one of his own to the kid; in case they needed to use it.
Occasionally the older male looked out the windows of the convoy to see the trees, instinctively glancing down to Mimi, who was curled on the ground, resting with their eyes closed; but they were tense.

Ferz understood why the other Wild would be tense, but he wasn't going to bring it up.

The drive spoke through to them that there was an obstacle, Wren tilted his head in slight confusion before the Convoy all but screamed to a halt.
"What in the-" Wren asked as he looked outside, furrowing his brow as he heard Savio call out. "Shit." He whispered before he looked around to listen to what everyone else thought to do.

Ebony gave a squeak when Val gave them his rifle, gripping it gently as to not drop the weapon. They hesitated with a bit of a nod when told not to use it unless they needed to.

Stalker gave a rumble as Val stepped towards him, baring his teeth with a snarl when they referred to as 'cute'; but his attention turned to the convoy as the door let out the scent he wasn't expecting.
[b][i]"Traitor."[/i][/b] He snarled loudly, turning away from Val and stepping towards the Convoy, [b][i]"Do not think of fleeing; I will have Roose chase you down and snap your pathetic neck."[/i][/b]

Mimi had lifted their head when the convoy jolted to a halt and listened to the words being spoken, before their feathers prickled aggressively at Stalkers voice.
[i]"Stalker."[/i] They hissed, they looked to Wren and then to Ebony, [i]"Little, stay here. These are dangerous."[/i] They said before they moved to slip from the truck.

Wren moved and grabbed her midsection just before he hind legs, stopping Mimi from moving for a moment; causing the raptor to give a small honk-like sound in confusion.
"I'm not letting you die." He said sternly, "They're not going to harm you while I'm here."
He moved quickly, slipping out from the convoy vehicle and placed Mimi back into the vehicle. "[i]You[/i] stay." He said, almost an order.

When Wren came into view, as the man walked up to the front of the vehicle slowly, no weapons in hand; Stalker gave what sounded almost like a laugh. He found the wild-fused man laughable.
[i][b]"Ferz, you poor fool; paired to one of the lost feeds?"[/b][/i] He rumbled, his attention pulled from Mimi. [i][b]"The King will find this humorous."[/b][/i]