Annika understood her father's cryptic meeting but wasn't sure she could follow through. It wasn't often that she called on the shadows outside of The Everdark, and she was distantly aware of being watched from onlookers. For now, Annika bent one of her legs and threw Serena off her. Annika reached into her bag and pulled out a knife, a weapon she always carried on her person, and stood. Annika stalked Serena, matching her strides and waited before striking out. Annika sliced her knife up, cutting across Serena's palms. The girl cried out before rushing Annika. Annika let Serena tackle her, and used the girl's momentum to flip her over before Annika scrambled back to her feet. [color=#663399]”Dad, we're drawing a crowd,”[/color] she warned her father, as she squared off against Serena once more.