[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c56aae92-c6a5-4ffb-be56-311242cd5b09.png[/img][/center] [right]Location: Ironclad (Joseph's apartment)[/right] Joseph shone a light in his patient's eye, carefully observing how the pupil dilated. [color=lightgreen]"Pupils abnormally large..."[/color] he muttered, frowning thoughtfully. The doctor clicked off his penlight and scrawled a few notes on his notepad. [color=lightgreen]"Dizziness, confusion, nausea... and you threw up earlier, too,"[/color] he said calmly. [color=lightgreen]"Yep, that's a concussion alright. I'll have to..."[/color] His head perked up as he picked up the sounds of the microwave beeping and cutlery being set down coming from beyond his office's door. [color=lightgreen]"Dammit Jackie, are you eating my leftovers again?"[/color] he yelled, annoyed. [color=lightgreen]"I was saving those!"[/color] He shook his head as a muffled [color=pink]"Sorry, Doc!"[/color] answered him. He could swear that girl had a bottomless stomach. Then again, [i]Joseph[/i] had been the one to give her a key to his house and let her come and go as she wished. He really shouldn't be surprised at this sort of thing anymore. He turned back towards the man still sitting dazedly on a cot. He was pretty sure that guy was a pickpocket, not that he ever asked his patients questions. What they did was none of his business, and he'd rather keep plausible deniability. [color=lightgreen]"Anyway, as I was saying, you're concussed. I'll give you some painkillers for the headaches. No alcohol for the next few days, try to rest as much as possible, and for the love of God, try not to get kicked in the head again."[/color] He gestured to the open door leading to the rest of his home. [color=lightgreen]"I'll be keeping you for observation tonight. I'll show you to the guest room."[/color] Once his patient was settled for the evening, Joseph sat at the kitchen table, groaning tiredly. He took a good look at Jackie. She was still ravenously devouring his leftovers, not a hint of guilt on her face. He was glad to see her in good health, but still. He had really been looking forward to that fried rice. [color=lightgreen]"So, heard anything good lately?"[/color] Jackie, the self-proclaimed "Gossip Queen of the Underground", had been acting as his informant for the going-ons of the local crime scene ever since he'd started acting as Ironclad's local back-alley doctor. While she herself was no one important, just a small-time car thief, she had ears everywhere, and many friends in low places. Her title might be self-proclaimed, but it was accurate more often than not. [color=pink]"Well,"[/color] she said between two bites, [color=pink]"for once I've got nothin'. It's dead out there, no supers plannin' anythin'. Looks like somethin' is drawing them outta Ironclad for a bit."[/color] She gave a lopsided grin. [color=pink]"Sounds like you're gonna have it easy for a bit, Doc."[/color] Joseph huffed a laugh. [color=lightgreen]"Don't jinx it."[/color] His expression got bit a bit sterner as Jackie's words really sunk in. [color=lightgreen]"If something's really drawing the usual crowd away, then it has to be something big. We should expect waves."[/color] Jackie put her fork down as she began to think. [color=pink]"Y'know, I usually only tell you info I'm pretty sure is reliable, and keep the subject around Ironclad supers. You don't need to hear every little bit of drama about the local burglary ring. Even though it's [i]really[/i] juicy."[/color] She leaned back in her chair, almost putting her feet up on the table, before a glare from Joseph made her put her feet back down. [color=pink]"But if you really think somethin' that big is goin' on... well, I heard some weird stuff through the grapevine."[/color] [color=pink]"Now, you know I try to keep away from all that mafia shebang, but I know a guy who's a bit less careful. Word is, there's a lot of movement back in Nova City."[/color] Jackie began to dig into her (stolen) meal anew. [color=pink]"[i]Someone[/i] is tryin' to push all of the other groups out. Some foreign syndicate or other. I even heard the boss is supposed to be this really strong super."[/color] Joseph sighed tiredly. Supervillains going quiet, power struggles back in Nova, a superpowered crime boss making moves... that was bad. Really bad. They seemed to stay away from Ironclad for the moment, but whether they'd start trouble around here wasn't a matter of [i]if[/i], but a matter of [i]when[/i]. The doctor had a feeling that this was just the calm before the storm...