"Ah---!" I can hear the whizzing of the arrow through the air, even as I move forward. I can feel it disturbing the stillness around me, hurtling just past my head. I don't know if a single arrow could pierce the defenses cast on me, but I really don't feel like finding out. The zombie I was able to cut through pretty easily. I honestly don't doubt that this incredible piece of work in my hands could do a pretty effective job of cutting through bone, I need to make sure they come apart as much as possible. The zombie at least had some kind of semblance of needing a head, but I don't think something that's been worn away as much as a skeleton would. ---Not that I know much about undead, but it's just my guess. Before the first of the nearest skeletons can fully raise its weapon, I push forward, using my weight behind the swing of the blade. I want to use my movement both to knock the skeleton apart as much as I can, but also get past the other and get closer to the one with a bow. I don't know just how many arrows I can take, so surely I should deal with the archer skeleton as fast as possible!