For your consideration, [@Alfhedil] [hider=Telvanni Spellblade] [h3]Basic Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Arvel Favryn [b]Age:[/b] 120 [b]Race:[/b] Dunmer [b]Appearance:[/b] Wiry build, slightly taller than average, ashen grey skin and blood red eyes, sharp and angular facial features, charcoal black hair kept in a wild Dunmeri top knot. Usually adorns himself in simple but elegant robes of Vvardenfell origin. [Hider=Concept Image][img][/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Silence is golden. Arvel is quiet and observant, rarely speaking and even more rarely being honest and direct. He figures that telling a man that you’re going to kill him doesn’t make it so and prefers to sink his blade into an unaware back. Arvel is very proud of his abilities and accomplishments, but not arrogantly so. He despises willful weakness and dependance, firmly believing that everyone can and should make something out of themselves or die trying. [h3]Abilities[/h3] [b]Skills:[/b] Arvel is an adept swordsman, but by no means a master. He is skilled in particular with the light blades of his homeland and is uncomfortable with the heavy, clumsy chunks of iron used by n’wah. Apart from this, he knows a few useful alchemical formulas for potions and salves. He can be discreet when he needs to be, both in speech and action, choosing his words or steps with graceful care. [b]Magic:[/b] As expected of a man of his trade, Arvel is proficient in Destruction and Alteration magic, knowing several spells for conjuring fire, raising shields, and levitating through the air. Having dabbled a bit in Mysticism, he knows how to Mark and Recall, as well as rudimentary soultrapping. He is by no means adept in Conjuration magic but knows the traditional Dunmer spell to summon an ancestor spirit guardian. Though well-versed in the use of enchanted items, Arvel is not a great enchanter himself. [h3]Equipment[/h3] [b]Personal Items:[/b] His robes and an unenchanted signet ring [b]The Lock Box:[/b] A demon wakizashi, enchanted with a Bound Weapon spell, a cephalopod helm and chitin pauldrons, a purse and belt satchels containing coin, ingredients and a soul gem. [b]Stored Items:[/b] None [b]Background:[/b] Arvel was born to pauper parents on the outskirts of Tel Mora on the east coast of Vvardelfell. His childhood was one of poverty and desperation, always looking up to the towers above with a hunger in his belly and his heart. He was a clever child, or had to be to survive, and learned to listen and observe at an early age. One time during his early adolescence, he broke into the local tower and stole some books and scrolls. Due to the charity of the Temple, he had learned how to read and tried his best to understand the texts now in his possession. He did not sleep that night and was found slumped over the contraband in his home on the following morning. One of the Telvanni retainers brought him up to the magelord of the tower and reported his offence. The lord was intrigued by the choice of stolen goods and asked what the purpose of Arvels actions was. He replied honestly, saying that he wished to learn what the mages knew to escape his lowborn life. The magelord put him to the test, then, wanting to see what he had learned. Although he could not yet conjure any magic, Arvel could recite much of the texts, replying in detail. Whether the lord was impressed or not, Arvel did not know, but he was taken on as a servant in the tower. He would receive no payment other than food, lodging, and whatever writing he could get his hands on, but that was alright for Arvel. He no longer had to return home to the failures that were his parents. As time went on, Arvel came to accept and embody the tenets of Telvanni philosophy; individual prowess, not making excuses, and taking that which you want when you can. He rose in the ranks of the lord, often by subterfuge or betrayal, eventually ending up as one of his spellblade retainers. Last year, he received a strange mission. He was to travel far from his home to the Imperial heartland of Cyrodiil, to gather intelligence for his master. Arvel suspected this was a way to get rid off him, as some of the senior retainers had become nervous of his swift ascension in the magelords service. He accepted it anyway, excited about the chance to see more of the world. [b]Ambition:[/b] To learn more about the ways of magic and eventually return to his homeland as a lord of the Telvanni, with a tower and retainers of his own. [/hider]