[h2]Lisette Faalvar[/h2] [hr] Ugh, the weather here--- I haven't been anywhere so utterly hot and dry before. I've certainly experienced plenty of undesirable conditions, but when it comes to the weather this is definitely an entirely new and an entirely displeasing experience. However, I'm not about to let it stop me from carrying out the duty I have received. What kind of Follower of Stendarr could I possibly be, if I was dissuaded by unpleasant weather? ---Albeit I still want to complain about it, just a little. What a strange group this is. It's hardly common to see a minotaur in a situation like this. I can't even say I'm entirely pleased by it, but if he genuinely wishes to serve and do good then it's difficult to argue with him regardless of his bestial looks. No matter the Empress's eccentricities, I doubt she would have allowed such a being into her service without certainty in his capabilities and his willingness to serve. A fellow knight, though her origins differ from my own, is a welcome sight to say the least. I hope she isn't foolish, but at least I have some certainty in the idea that she is willing to pursue a just cause. The idea of approaching the Fighter's Guild, or something similar, is quite clearly the best way forward, at least. "I think it's quite difficult to suggest a better option then pursuing the local fighter's guild, or equivalent thereof," I begin, leaning forward, "Not only can we earn some money---" Why do we need to have so little in the first place? Hmph. "---But we can also assist the locals with potential threats. Honestly, you'd have to be a fool to think otherwise." I do not approve of either of the elves' demeanors, though if I had to select one who stood out to me as less pleasant it would be the Dunmer. At the very least, her attitude does suit her proposed cover story. The Dragonguard seems to be an honorable fellow, at least.