Lyris smiled, enjoying watching Kir get flustered over her and Harrison's obvious feelings towards each other. Compared to X'hondrians and humans, Serenians didn't typically believe in the idea of soulmates. They initially all mated for life, but they also felt that everyone's souls were connected to everyone's. Not just on Serenfolia or in the galaxy, but in the entire universe. But if soulmates were real, it was very clear that those two were. She had a knack for reading people and it went beyond even their physical expressions. Her smile turned upside down when Kir mentioned disengaging Harrison's enforcer bracelet. She understood their concern about him being controlled, she had it as well. But she knew removing it would be even worse. "I don't think you should get his hopes up. The Emperor made them that way because he didn't want them having their freedom. I get your concern, I really do, but honestly he might be better off with it out here. Humans are as rare as they are fragile. He'll need it to survive out here." Once the ship took off Lyris felt her heart skip a beat. She had been on that station for a while, having stowed away on a cargo ship on one of her many walkabouts around the galaxy. She didn't think she'd ever get off it, but in one day she met two people she never thought she'd meet. Two people that gave her a sense of hope that she was starting to lose. Lyris was pulled from her happy thoughts once Kir asked about Serenfolia. She dropped her head solemnly. She gathered herself before looking up again. "I haven't been home in a while. But... They're wellish. The Empire treads softly on our world. They destroy our history so they can destroy us without physically doing so, but they've failed to destroy it all. Our spirits are strong and we're still hopeful that the prophecy will come true and that the galaxy will know peace once again." Her last sentence was a bit of a test. She hoped Kir or at least her parents knew of the prophecy and that's why they gave her, her name. If she did, her journey may not have been for nought after all. Meanwhile Harrison was changing his clothes. He thought about immediately getting into the casual clothes that Kir got him, but instead decided on getting into his loungewear. He needed to sleep once they all got situated. He wore a basic t-shirt and some woolish pajama pants. He took the rest of his clothes to the Captain's Quarters of the ship and placed them in a chair for now. He'd still have to get rid of the original Captain's clothes. He then returned to the kitchen to wait for Kir so he could give her, her surprise.