Ah, jeez... I wasn't exactly excited about going on a plane ride to the US, but my friends though it'd be a great time for me. It does make me wonder why they didn't come along too, but right now, I'm pretty glad they didn't. I'm pretty sure everyone else is going to be okay though. The sound of something going wrong was pretty bad. Probably the scariest experience I've ever had in my life. The oxygen masks dropping down didn't make it any better. But it turns out our pilot is pretty capable, I guess. He's gonna land this thing with just one casualty. I'm not quite sure how it's ended up like this, but this angle that I'm falling towards the wall at is pretty bad. I can't even figure out why I'm so calm. I don't want to die. But right now, I don't think there's any other way that this can end. ... Man. I hope Takeo-san can finish that game he was working on. The version he had me test was already pretty fun. Chisato-chan's already getting some work as an up-and-coming voice actress, too. I bet she'll go pretty far. There's a lot of things I want to do, still, so I think I'm actually pretty angry. But--- [hr] [h1]Ruined Inn[/h1] [hr] ---My face feels warm. Huh. That's not what I was expecting. What [i]was[/i] I expecting? My mind feels a bit jumbled, and I can't really catch up on my own thoughts. Wait. That's right. The plane was going down. Even if it looked like everyone else was going to be okay, I sure wasn't. I probably broke my neck or got a fatal head injury or something. Even if I lived, I don't think I'd be feeling warmth on my face. At least, not consciously. So was I actually okay? I open my eyes. That's sunlight, coming through a nearby window. That must be why my face is so warm, huh. I lived! That's pretty awesome, I guess I worried too much about the fall! This must be a hospital bed, then, since I'm sure I still got hurt. It sure doesn't feel like one, though. In fact, I've got no pain at all. If anything I feel pretty great. Did I dream about a plane crash or something? But this isn't my room at home. The ceiling's too rundown for that, and it's made of wood. That's definitely not what a hospital ceiling would look like, either. It's way too shabby. Come to think of it, the air is incredibly stale in here too. Couldn't someone open a window? I sit up. While that's a good sign, it makes the light shine in my eyes even brighter. Ergh... I shut my eyes to give myself a moment to adjust. When I reopen them, and look out the window--- Hold it. I rub my eyes to try and clear them. Maybe I'm imagining things. Maybe I really did hit my head. But there's no way. The rooftops outside aren't anything like the ones back home in Japan. And they're not like anything you'd see in America, either. Those crumbling rooftops look exactly like the sort of architecture you'd expect from a town somewhere in Medieval Europe. It's not like I have first-hand experience, but plenty of games I play have that sort of aesthetic so it's not hard to recognize. I can feel everything. This isn't a dream, that's for sure, but how... what...? Wait a second. When I rubbed my eyes, I saw my hand for just a moment--- Did it look different? I quickly look down. The outfit I'm in is cute and feminine. A white shirt and a blue skirt with some kind of cape. Is there some kind of a pervert with a crossdressing fetish around here, attacking people in their sleep?! To begin with, there's no way I'd look good in girls' clothing. Takeo-san could pull it off, but I'm no-where near feminine enough. I'd look ridiculous. Putting that aside, I'm not interested in crossplay at all! ... But that's... That's not what's going on, is it? I look at my hand again. This delicate-looking skin. These slender fingers. This thin arm. Is this really my hand? Am I knocked out and dying after the emergency landing? ---I can rule that out almost immediately. Everything is too tangible and too real. I can feel the rough sheets, the soft clothing on my skin. But why are my arms so small? Why do my thighs look like that, with those white socks clinging to them? "What's going---" I freeze. Then, in a barely conscious action, my hand flies up to my throat. My neck is thin and smooth. What just came out of my mouth isn't my voice. That's the exact kind of voice I'd expect out of some kind of super cute elf mage character. In fact, it's the exact sort of voice I was hoping Sephily from [i]The Elf Mage Doesn't Approve[/i] would have once it got an anime adaptation. I can feel a sinking sensation deep in my stomach. There's no way, right? Reality doesn't allow for such ridiculous things to happen, right? I place my hands to my face. Smooth. Slight features. Soft cheeks. The closest thing I have to a mirror right now is the nearest window, so I can only barely make out my reflection. But that's all I need. The face looking back at me is a cute, pretty blonde-haired girl's, with long pointed ears and blue eyes. ---Ah. There's no doubt, this is all too real to be a dream. And yet what I'm looking at is totally, completely impossible. There's absolutely no way something so ridiculous could occur in the real world. At least, not the one I know. "EEEEEEEEHHHHHHH?!" I can't contain myself any longer. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist] [hr] [h1]Forest Shrine[/h1] [hr] Whatever the last world had left them with, where they found themselves now couldn't have been further from it. The light breeze would wash over their skin, accompanied by the gentle warmth of sunlight shining from above. The clearing was mostly filled with grass and other smaller plants, but their surroundings were fairly thickly forested. The sounds of birdsong and the rustling of leaves could be heard from all around them, filling their eyes as they awakened. It was a thriving, lively place. And yet not untouched. For the structure they awakened within was undeniably not a natural one. Even if the worn rooftop had fallen in, even if the grass and vines had grown up and through it, flowers blossoming within the structure from around them, there was no question that it was once some kind of manmade structure. Its nature was obscured by its age. But the worn pedestal and the broken stone statue perhaps indicated some sort of place of worship. Exactly why they had all awakened in an old, abandoned shrine of some sort in the middle of a dense forest was difficult to explain, but they were all there nonetheless. [@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Pyromania99][@Raineh Daze]