[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/561ce852-6d48-4386-8869-7347755e7e19.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=a90000]"I knew it."[/color] His connection to his magic was severed. And a flashbang had been dropped in, and a soldier was thrown over it. This must've been a coup by the Empire. Where the others had sprung into action immediately, Morden was the picture of stillness. Calm, collected, waiting for an opening before jumping in. When he squad got ready, that was when the giant WARDEN among them stepped in. His left foot pushed downwards, sending him spiraling upwards, and his right foot went into the air to snap the neck of a Spook that hadn't been paying attention to him. Morden didn't need the Astral Mist to beat the living shit out of people, a byproduct of his particularly brutal training with it meant he was taller and sturdier than most [i]before[/i] filling his lungs with that power. When he landed, he grabbed the submachine gun that the poor bastard had been carrying. Safety off. It was fully loaded. [color=a90000]"Stay behind me,"[/color] He warned, walking up to the door and bringing the full might of his kick down on the doorknob. It was a common tactic for kicking down doors. He flung it open, and stepped to the side without walking through. That was rudimentary cover on nine, and the angle he held was cover from twelve. He aimed and fired a few quick shots at the first Spook he saw. [color=a90000]"On my signal, move,"[/color] Morden rumbled, planting one foot on the guy who was sitting face-first on the ground, with a flashbang underneath him.