[h2]Hikari[/h2] … huh. This was… hmm, she didn't [i]remember[/i] taking a trip to Aokigahara? Even then, it wasn't the sort of place where you just went and fell asleep in the forest. No, wait, she'd been on a trip across the sea – hang on, [i]that[/i] didn't make sense, either. Flight paths went [i]north,[/i] there wouldn't have been some huge forest to land in after a crash… at least, she didn't think so? Was this Canada? As she thought, Hikari's tails swished. … Tails? Now, that was definitely something that didn't come with a crashed plane. It was kind of hard to count but reaching a and around made it a bit easier and… yup, nine tails. Huh, that was neat, and it explained why her ears felt so much [i]twitchier.[/i] Not, looking down, the maid dress, but there were worse things to be stuck in. She guessed this was one of those isekai scenarios, then. Although, it would've been nice to be dropped off somewhere more inhabited? She didn't feel like she had many useful skills for being in some dilapidated forest building with… some man wearing a coat, and a lady with surprisingly pretty hair. Ah, which one to wake up first? The lady was a bit closer. Right, just give her a gentle push. "Excuse me, ma'am, you can't sleep here." [@Pyromania99] [@FujiwaraPhoenix]