Here's my submission! [hider=Verinric Stieence] [b]Name:[/b]Verinric Stieence [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Race:[/b] Breton [b]Appearance:[/b] Verinric is on the taller side of average at 5'11 and while by no means muscular he has made an effort to stay in shape despite a largely sedentary career. He keeps his appearance neat if not particularly impressive, his black hair kept short and neatly combed, his face cleanly shaven and his small wardrobe of robes, largely dark blues and reds with silver or gold embroidery, is regularly professionally laundered. His dark brown eyes and black hair contrast notably with the pale skin spending most of his days indoors naturally causes. [b]Personality:[/b] Verinric is always polite, but often fails to hide the fact that he'd rather be alone with his research than talking to you as well as he thinks he does. He gets more enthusiastic when talking with fellow scholars of the Mage's Guild, particularly when debating. While it's usually about some magical theory or other, the truth is he'll argue most things if he thinks you're wrong, and that attitude has not done him any favours. He is not a particularly ambitious man, preferring to quietly get on with his personal research projects rather than trying to climb the ranks, or at least that's what he insists, in truth he would very much like to rise to a position of power. [hider=Skills:] [b]Scholar:[/b]Verinric is at his heart a scholar, years of study and curiousity have made him very well read, he's read and can quote from all the major tomes on magicka and metaphysics, from the Art of War Magic and Breathing Water to the Sermons of Vivec (though he doesn't claim to actually understand those). [b]Alchemy:[/b]No study of magic is complete without at least a basic level of alchemical study. It's far from his speciality, but he can work the various apparatus and knows the common ingedients for basic restorative potions. Daedric Knowledge: Like any good conjurer, he can read daedric script and know the many forms of Daedra. [b]Magicka:[/b] His greatest strength, as breton born under the Mage he had a natural advantage, he's practiced since childhood and had ample opportunity for improvement as a professional magickal scholar in the Guild. Never really clicked with Destruction though. [/hider] [hider=Magic:] [b]Enchanting:[/b] He knows the theory well, but has only ever enchanted a handful of items, and that with the aid of the Arcane University's state of the art Altar. He does however spend a fair amount of time recharging items. [b]Mysticism: [/b]His primary area of focus, its combination of highly useful effects and esoteric philosophy that always appealed to him. He commands Telekinesis, Detection, Absorption, Reflection, Soul-Trap, Dispelling, Mark and Recall. He never loses his keys, can grab books from the top shelf on the other side of the room and only walks home when the weather is pleasant. [b]Alteration:[/b] The more physical counterpart to Mysticism, and equally as interesting, who could read Breathing Water and not want to study it? Verinric can use Water Breathing, Water Walking, Shield, Feather, Elemental Shields, Lock and Open (so he wouldn't technically need those lost keys). He realy wishes he could levitate, indeed he's thoroughly confused that there's so much pushback on Trebon's pet Necromancy Ban, which is downright useless (daedra are so much more sanitary) yet this was succesfully banned. [b]Conjuration:[/b] Not something he uses as often, but he can summon Scamps, Flame Atronachs or Dremora. [b]Illusion:[/b] He knows both Night-Eye and Light spells, preferring conjured light to the unusual hues of night eye, he can also briefly become invisible. [b]Restoration:[/b] He knows how to heal wounds, purge poison and resotore stamina, though not especially fast. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] [b]Personal Items: [/b] -His current outfit: a comfortable dark red robe with black cuffs, a silver belt and some simple leather boots. -A mostly empty coinpurse which held his spending money for the evening. [b]The Lock Box:[/b]Just a simple silver dagger. [b]Stored Items:[/b] A Mage's Staff of Paralysis, 2 lesser soul gems containing Scamp souls, a leather backpack with a constant Feather effect, a set of Journeyman alchemy equipment, two potions of restore magicka, mundane changes of clothes and some more gold. [/hider] Background: Verinric spent his early years in High Rock, in the port town of Aldcroft, where his parents made their wealth as merchants. In his 10th year the family moved to Cyrodil after a few bad deals soured their local reputation. Thus he spent the remainder of his childhood in Anvil. Displaying a natural inclination to magic from a young age, he was quickly apprenticed to a local Mage and was an Associate of the Mages Guild by the time he turned 18, he found himself enthralled by magic, taking well to the strange mix of practical skill and unusual philosphy that makes up both Alteration and Mysticise. Initially he was keen to rise through the ranks. Travelling from guildhall to guildhall and earning recommendations from their leaders was an interesting change of pace, and felt very much like the Quests that he grew up hearing endlessly of back in High Rock, he got into a few scrapes, whether travelling the Empires ever neglected roads or when a few of the 'simple tasks' turned out to be rather more dangerous than he was told. Unfortunately he quickly realised that rather than simply being a way to test newcomers, the entire Guild seemed to run on favours and rank was tied as much to which of the higher ranked mages liked you as to your skill and knowledge. He stalled out at the rank of Evoker, entirely unwilling to play the ladder cliimbing game. Still, that's sufficient rank to have access to the Mystic Archives for all his research needs, and to provide various magical services to the citizens of the Empire, so long as the Guild get their dues, so that's what he's been doing ever since, he largely sticks to research, but offers his services to those with coin, recharging enchanted items (the trick is to charge more than the cost of a lesser soul gem and simply fill them with summoned scamps), selling spells or occasionally finding lost objects with Detect spells. Ambition: He seeks to attain sufficient skill in magic that the Guild has no choice but to promote him, then campaign against the ban on Levitation. [/hider]