[center] [h1][color=D2691E]Farim[/color] & [color=E77298]Anastasia[/color][/h1] [color=lightgray][color=E77298]Time:[/color] Morning of the 26th [color=E77298]Location:[/color] Castle Danrose [color=red]FLASHBACK!![/color] [hr] There was some interesting news that had come across Farim’s ears as he enjoyed his morning breakfast. Thara sat patiently on his desk as he read through some more updates on recent happenings, when one of his servants decided it was prudent to inform him of the events that transpired at the train station the other night. Once he heard the news, Farim looked up from his papers, right in the middle of sipping his morning coffee, and looked at the young lady sharing this news. He was seemingly stunned for about 10 seconds before setting his coffee down slowly, no doubt causing a pit of anxiety to grow in the woman’s stomach who decided to share the news. [color=D2691E]”Are you certain?”[/color] Was all he said. Met with a meager nod from the woman, still somewhat worried how Farim might react. But there was no sudden outburst - only a brief nod followed by him rising from his seat. Farim went to his wardrobe and took a slightly more appropriate robe to drape over himself to hide his morning attire, and ushered his falcon towards him. Thara swooped onto his shoulder and coo’d lightly while Farim rubbed her head with the back of his finger. [color=D2691E]”See to it that my day’s clothes are laid out for me please. I am going to speak with the Princess at once, and make sure she is of proper health.”[/color] Before much further could be said, the Shehzade made his way out of the guest house and hailed the quickest ride to the castle. In a similar fashion to his last visit, he made his way through the large gates and announced to the guards that motioned towards him with questionable looks that he simply wished to speak with Princess Anastasia if she was available. The guards of course attempted to send the man away, saying she was far too busy for visitors. But Farim had merely smiled, pivoted on his foot in a swift, swirling motion, and continued his pace as he said [color=D2691E]”I would prefer to hear that from the woman herself, thank you. I shall cause no trouble.”[/color] The guards decided it best not to openly oppose one of Alidasht’s royalty, especially knowing that this one was the son of the spiteful Hafiz, and simply sent an escort with him. Farim gracefully walked down the halls with his robe fluttering with each turn of his feet. Thara stayed patiently on his shoulder, her head turning sporadically to note the environment and surroundings to properly sate her curiosity. Once Farim approached the Anastasia’s door he gave it three firm knocks before announcing himself. [color=D2691E]”Princess, it is Farim. Are you able to…talk?”[/color] The door swung open almost immediately after the third knock. [color=E77298]“YES!”[/color] Anastasia exclaimed with unrestrained enthusiasm, her voice bright and cheerful. Her ashen blonde hair was slightly disheveled, and the glitter from last night still sparkled faintly on her eyelids. She was still wearing her dress from the evening before, the fabric slightly rumpled but no less vibrant. Her amber eyes lit up even more as she took in the sight of Farim and Thara. [color=E77298]“Oh, my darlings! Come in, come in!”[/color] She stepped aside with a dramatic flourish, gesturing for them to enter with repetitive hand gestures, [color=E77298]“You’ve brought Thara, too—how wonderful! You’ve just made my morning infinitely better.”[/color] Farim stepped inside and motioned to close the door behind him, turning a thoughtful gaze at his little entourage and nodding - as if to silently promise there’d be no “funny business”. At least none started by him. Turning back towards Anastasia, Farim took Thara from his shoulder and held his hand out to let her flap her wings in a short graceful flight toward the end of her bed. The man reached out to grasp Anastasia’s hand, a warm smile on his face for a moment that broke into a more thoughtful gaze. [color=D2691E]”I have heard some words I wanted to confirm with you before I say or think anything. Some people have begun whispering that you were on the train tracks last night, awaiting the fast embrace of the cold steel that rides those rails. Is this some form of prank or joke I am not aware of, Annie?”[/color] There was no royal and exotic flare to his voice - only the genuine concern that came from a man who was worried for the health of the person he very much cared about. Anastasia's initial excitement at Farim's presence faltered as his words hit her. Her eyes widened slightly, and the warmth in her expression dimmed like a flame in the wind. Her gaze dropped to their joined hands, and she withdrew slightly, clasping her fingers together instead. [color=E77298]“So, it’s already made the rounds, has it?”[/color] she murmured, her voice weary.. Her lips twitched upward in a faint, self-deprecating smile. [color=E77298]“It wasn’t a prank, Farim, and it wasn’t a joke. But it also wasn’t…”[/color] she paused, struggling to find the right words, [color=E77298]“what everyone seems to think it was.”[/color] Farim offered a solemn nod, a show of understanding of what she had to say, but he dared not interrupt. She turned away, stepping toward the edge of the room where Thara perched, idly reaching out to run her fingers along the falcon’s feathers. The bird leaned into the touch, softly and happily cooing as her fingers grazed along the falcon’s feathers. [color=E77298]“I didn’t go there to… you know.”[/color] Her voice caught for a moment before she steadied herself, glancing back at him. [color=E77298]“I just needed to feel something—anything. Everything’s been so heavy lately, and the train… the noise, the rush, the adrenaline—it cleared my head.”[/color] [color=E77298]“...I guess I was… breaking down a little. It felt like the weight of everything was crushing me all at once I’ve been carrying so many feelings—Darryn, Riona, Callum, how people speak to me, what they think of me… What I think of myself… And instead of facing it like a normal person, I just… ran. I didn’t know where else to go, so I ended up on the tracks.”[/color] She paused, her hands moving expressively as she struggled to explain. Farim’s hands gripped onto the sides of his robes. [color=D2691E][i]So that gut feeling at the party…[/i][/color] His mind trailed off as she continued. [color=E77298]“It’s not like I wanted to… you know.”[/color] Her voice dropped, softer now, almost a whisper. [color=E77298]“It wasn’t that. I just… I needed to feel something that wasn’t the crushing heaviness. And standing there, with the train coming at me, it was—”[/color] She gestured helplessly, searching for the right words. [color=E77298]“It was like all the noise in my head finally went quiet. For just a moment, it all made sense.”[/color] Anastasia’s shoulders slumped slightly, her vulnerability laid bare. [color=E77298]“I’m sorry, Farim. I didn’t mean to worry you. I just—”[/color] She stopped, her voice breaking for a moment before she forced a small, bittersweet smile. [color=E77298]“I just didn’t know how else to handle it all. I know I scared you. I scared everyone. And I hate that I did. I hate that I might have made you think less of me.”[/color] Her voice broke, and she took a shaky breath, blinking quickly to stop the tears. [color=E77298]“I’m trying, I swear I am. I just… sometimes I don’t know how to be better..”[/color] Her hands dropped to her sides with a defeated sigh, fidgeting with the hem of her dress as she added softly, almost inaudibly, [color=E77298]“Please don’t stop liking me.”[/color] There was a silence that hung in the air. Farim took the time to think about what it was he wanted to say. [color=D2691E]“This Darryn…he sounds a lot like my friend Malik back home…”[/color] He stood where he was, now feeling his own well of emotions beginning to fill as he prepared for the waterworks to flow from his eyes. [color=D2691E]“I…watched him pass away before my very eyes. Unable to do anything to help him. It was my fault for putting him in such a situation - I should have listened to the warnings….I should have-”[/color] He cut himself off before he began to rant and make this entire interaction about him. He did not want that. The man wanted to connect with the clearly hurt and scared woman standing before him. [color=D2691E]“There are many times we feel powerless to help the ones we care about. There is no weakness in this. With love and happiness, comes pain and loss. Yet it is still worth it all the same, no?”[/color] Farim took a step closer. [color=D2691E]“I did not come to reprimand you or chastise you. I ignored the warning signs for someone once, and I wish to never make the same mistake again. So if there is anything I can do, whenever or wherever, know that I am here for you, Anastasia.”[/color] He swallowed and kept his cool as best as he could, blinking back the tears that welled in his eyes. Farim strode closer to her, now within arm’s reach, but keeping his hands to himself despite his base instincts to reach out. To grab onto her and never let go. But to do so would rob Anastasia of the choice to reach back to him, to have someone be there the moment she wanted. He could not bring himself to do that to her. [color=D2691E]“I am sure there are many things that people would love to say about you. Things to discredit your thoughts, your actions, and the very words you wish to share. I like to think differently.”[/color] He paused. [color=D2691E]“What I see is someone who has taken the world on her shoulders and still chooses to greet everyone with a smile so radiant it puts the gods to shame. A heart so boundless it brings everyone together. The optimism that springs forth from you could build entire empires.”[/color] Farim waved his hands in a grand gesture while he spoke, idolizing her in every way he knew her. The man’s hands gripped into fists, moving back down to his side while his voice lowered into something soft. A gentle sweeping sultry tone escaped from his lips while he thought about what else he could say - what else he could do. His mind wracked for possibilities in that short moment. [color=D2691E]”And I would not dream of not liking you just because you are going through some tough times. I would not be a proper man if I did. So please…”[/color] He faltered for a moment, reaching out a hand between them both. [color=D2691E]”Do not stop liking me either.”[/color] Anastasia’s gaze had remained fixed on him as he spoke, her eyes ever so subtly widening. She felt a warmth rise within her chest and slowly, as if his words had coaxed it to life, a gentle smile spread across her lips. When he finished, she stood there for a moment as she processed the weight of his sincerity. Then, with a dramatic step forward, she closed the distance between them, her hand slipping into his with deliberate tenderness. Her other hand rested atop them both, her fingers trembling slightly but firm in their touch. She then squeezed his hand gently, her tears spilling over as she let out a shaky laugh. [color=E77298]“You’ve been a big reason for my smile lately… And I won’t stop liking you. Not now and not ever!”[/color] The man’s hand reached out for her cheek, while the other caressed his thumb along the side of their pile of hands. Each of his thumbs gave a gentle and reassuring touch, wiping her spilling tears even as more draped down over her fair skin. Farim took yet another step closer between them. [color=D2691E]“You are the best thing to happen to me since I came to this city. Our adventures, our time together, and your beautiful smile. I wish to protect all of this and more.”[/color] The hand holding her face slid towards the back of her head, guiding her face upwards with a soft push of his thumb so they would look each other in the eyes. [color=D2691E]“Of all the shiny fortunes and gorgeous gemstones I have seen in my life - you are by the far the most radiant of them all.”[/color] It was there that he realized his face was intimately close to hers. He kept his eyes locked onto hers, and could feel their breaths pushing along each other's lips. Farim drifted forwards, being tugged along by the wants of his heart, and gave the princess all the emotion and longing he felt for her in that moment. All wrapped up in the form of a kiss that would leave him breathless. Anastasia could hear her own heart accelerate in her ears as his hand graced her cheek. In fact, It was hammering in her chest by the end of his speech, and if it had not been for his guiding hand, she may have even averted her gaze. It was such a strange reaction coming from her—after all, touch was nothing new to her. She had kissed men, even women before yet something about the way he was looking at her… the way he was speaking to her… Before she could process the foreign feelings rushing through her body, their lips met. It wasn’t rushed or careless. It was deliberately filled with emotion that both overwhelmed and grounded her. It felt as though time had began to slow and the world outside the room had melted away. Her breath had hitched as her hands slowly found their way to his shoulders and she returned the kiss tenderly. When they finally did pull apart, she stared at him with a softened gaze and parted lips, her brows raised. [color=E77298]“Farim…”[/color] Her voice was barely above a whisper. [color=E77298]“...You… wish to protect me?”[/color] Words failed him for a moment, for the young man had still been reeling from the emotional sensation they had just experienced. He had kissed women before, but those were out of fanciful flights of debauchery and carnal sensations. This was a much deeper rooted feeling that came from his core. It was the few seconds of silence following her question that prompted him to say something, anything. [color=D2691E]“Of course. I know my time with you is but a drop in the oasis that is your life. Not to mention I am sure you have had your fill of ‘protection’ from quite a number of men in your life. But this does not stop me from wanting to occupy any portion of your heart and mind. To savor and cherish that connection. Not because you need it - but because [i]we[/i] want it.”[/color] He continued stroking his thumb along her cheek while his hand gripped hers. Anastasia continued to search his face with eyes that revealed a balance of fear and the stirrings of something else entirely. After a moment, she finally decided to give him a wordless reply, throwing her arms around him abruptly. The princess embraced him tightly, burying her face briefly in his shoulder. Farim returned the embrace earnestly. Arms thrown around her, cradling her back in a moment of tranquility that he had long since forgotten the sensation of. For just that moment he felt like his guard could lower, that his instincts could stay on the back burner, and that he could follow his heart like he always wanted. [/color] [/center]