"We'll have to cover that sooner or later," explained the man in a steady voice, to match his measured steps. The cadence with which he spoke made him easily trustworthy, even if something as simple as his name is lost upon who he converses with. He cleared his throat and brushed off his suit-jacket, before adjusting his belt. Examining a stack of papers, he looked up briefly enough to gauge the expression of his conversant. "Unless you want the public to be oblivious about the situation?" Another man chimed in, voice more authoritative. "We can't release this! Everybody would freak out! Do you want people to spend their last days suffering?" The first man shook his head, chuckled bitterly, and with a strained voice and concerned expression, replied as measuredly as he could manage. "If we tell the public," he pressed. "Then maybe there's a hope for humanity." "We're all going to die." "That's what they want you to think." ___ When the Prophets -- that's what people called them, unironically -- started chanting Revelations in the streets, it was no cause for concern. Any old crazy could weaponize faith and warp it into what it wasn't. Passerby would give an off-glance and continue on their way. When they began speaking in tongues, however, is when concern began to amass. Perhaps the prophets were... correct. When the Fissure appeared, dividing the land in half with no way to cross, experts couldn't explain it. The Prophets, however, grew frenzied. ___ Hellish creatures roam the earth. Every Ring amounted to something tenfold on the Surface -- the truest form of damnation of humanity. When judgement is passed, so does blame. __ Hi! Ok. That was really dramatic. I bet you got bored. Anyway, that's the idea. Basically. A very bad and short synopsis. Hell emerges on Earth (think Doom, but more damnation and less monsters... although there are monsters) in some sort of inexplicable punishment against every living human. Your character can... really be anyone. One of the prophets, a creature of purgatory -- really, anything. It'll be... very dark. Needlessly. Concepts like religion, damnation, torture, mental illness, and hatred will definitely be implemented and explored. It's pretty open, aside from that, though. Bonus points if you've read Inferno, though.