[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] Thankful as he was that Éliane had managed to bring her cannon to bear at last, his ears weren't terribly pleased with the sudden roar of high-volume fire coming from just behind him. Eos, still low to his chest, had already plugged her ears as tightly as she could as he dropped back behind cover. Still, his hearing wasn't so overwhelmed that he couldn't recognize everything else that had just been done as Leviathan began bellowing at them. [color=#b3ccff]"I would rather like it if she would calm down,"[/color] he groused, watching as the head that had just been behind him suddenly placed itself well ahead of him. [color=#b3ccff]"Or at least if I'd had a chance to [i]plan[/i] for all this nonsense. I knew we would never be able to rely on [i]overwhelming firepower[/i] forever."[/color] [b][color=#008b8b]"You mean you [i]didn't[/i] have a plan for this?!"[/color][/b] [color=#b3ccff]"Do I [i]look[/i] like I make a habit of fighting beasts and Eidolons?"[/color] Rudolf slid under a strike, lashing out with one of his own. Behind him, Miina called out for cover, and he could see her out of the corner of his eye running [i]for[/i] Leviathan's tail. [color=#b3ccff]"Selene!"[/color] he called out to the purple-hued fairy, hovering near Rudolf. [color=#b3ccff]"On Miina!"[/color] He couldn't offer much cover beyond trying to catch her, but with some help from Selene she might manage to react to anything in time to keep from needing it. [color=#b3ccff]"Eos, you get up to Rudolf. I don't think he was ready for that. Someone will be behind you to drag him out of the way if necessary."[/color] Both fairies darted off instantly, two blurs of light streaking through the air. Selene tracked Miina easily, transferring her speed to the diminutive mage; and Eos, hands outstretched, hovered near Rudolf as he began to slow back to normal. [color=#b3ccff]"Robin, get up to her head, see if you can't keep her blinded! Éliane, you have anything to help with that?"[/color] He set the rifle back down next to her, drawing out his sword and buckler. [color=#b3ccff]"If so, I'd prefer you use it. Just don't hit me."[/color] With the rest keeping Leviathan distracted, and with the clear damage she had suffered and energy she had spent, it was a simple matter for Esben to make his own quick advance. Wide bounds carrying him forward at a rapid pace—behind a pillar, next leaping behind Arton, spinning on the ball of his lead foot and leaping atop one of the coils of Leviathan's body—he closed the distance rapidly. From behind Rudolf's arc of flame he leaped atop another of Leviathan's coils, pushed off of it to alight atop a broken pillar. Jumped from it to the next, higher up; scrambled up part of a wall, ran across an arch, sailed over to the next pillar, up above the Eidolon's snapping head. He may have lacked Galahad's ability to take to the air like the dragons he hunted, or any of the magics or technologies the others could bring to aid in their attack. But he was sure-footed, and as Izayoi first had learned, more than capable of keeping up [i]without[/i] a boost to his speed. A little bit of solid luck burning in his pocket for good measure, just to make sure everything lined up his way and footfall landed perfectly, only helped. He kicked off the top of the pillar as a globe of water slammed into it. He twisted in midair, slapping aside a chunk of the stone shrapnel that came his way. In response, the second gemstone that he'd set in the handle of the buckler began to glow as well as he started falling towards the top of Leviathan's head, lending extra weight to his blade, as well as— A fireball erupted from his left fist as he turned the buckler sideways, heavy lead balls flying out with a crack like Éliane's rifle. Where they aimed to slam into Leviathan's scales and blast them aside or crumple them inward, he turned with the recoil, descending point first for the same spot. [color=#b3ccff][i]This farce ends now![/i][/color]