[h1][CENTER][color=0072bc]ARNVIDR FROST-WEAVER[/color][/CENTER][/h1] [hr] Arnvidr watched as the group successfully apprehended Brigit. He had to admit, he was quite impressed with their performance. It was quite good for a hastily put-together group. At the very least, it made him more confident in their chances for their missions, at least. He then walked over to Brigit, still carrying his conjured battleaxe. [quote=@Carantathraiel] “[color=99c3cc]The decision of her fate is yours, Nord.[/color]” Sindri declared, stopping some ten paces before the man to allow him a good look at his foe. “[color=99c3cc]She is your enemy, and her fate is yours. Aside from that, I gathered over breakfast that you are our elected leader.[/color]” [/quote] With an incline of his head, Anrnvidr nodded. A show of gratitude for her consideration, [color=0072bc]"Thank you. I do believe that my decision is already made."[/color] He raised his spectral battleaxe up high, above Brigit. [color=0072bc]"I told you to cease the foolishness or face repercussion, did I not? A shame that you persist. Any last words before I send you to Sovngarde? Well, you turned tail and ran, so Tsun won't even test you to see if you are worthy to cross the Whalebone Bridge to Shor's Hall. I suppose you will simply wander aimlessly in Aetherius realm until your soul breaks down."[/color]