[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] Galahad cursed all of his bad luck as he was sent flying again. Tumbling across the ground a few times before he caught himself, rolling back up to his feet. All of that effort had stopped them from dying in that instant, but it did little to end the fight, the Leviathan was still well up and kicking. Or thrashing, rather. Galahad willed himself forward, his halberd flying through the air and back into his hand. All of his muscles screamed at him, spent not just from the leap, but the limit break that followed immediately afterwards. Usually such an attack was meant to end fights, but here he was, nearly spent, and continuing a fight while well and truly gassed. Leaping again was possible, as much as his body begged him not to. The others were tired too though, and they had yet to give up the fight, so he couldn't either. Galahad broke into a sprint, closing the distance as he followed behind Rudolf's flaming arc, weaving left and right as bubbles of water exploded and crashed around them. Dirt and stone kicked up as he turned and flung his halberd at the Leviathan, residual electricity still crackling on his weapon. The Leviathan was close- perhaps too close for comfort. He watched as Rudolf arrested his motion, flaming arcs flying towards the Leviathan, though leaving the young man a bit more exposed to danger than perhaps he'd like. Diving for the hunter, Galahad grabbed him by the arm, and then the collar, rolling onto his back as he dug his feet into the ground. [color=lightblue]"Perhaps ironic from the man who literally jumps at his enemies,"[/color] Galahad grunted, his voice strained. [color=lightblue]"But flinging yourself into danger won't solve all of our problems. This fight is not over yet."[/color] His legs tensed, ready to leap the two out of the way of any massive maw or tail coming down to smite them.