As amusing as it was, Senjen did not think he would have a use for a discount to the restaurant. Or any restaurant, for that matter. Unless, he supposed, he wanted to take an organic out to eat at some point. From what he understood, there could be plenty of reasons for him to: business, celebrations, holidays, maybe a date, so it was not like he would never have a reason to set foot in one of these establishments again. Though, if he was going to choose one willingly, then it probably would not be a front company for a criminal organization. Senjen caught the chip and inspected it. He lacked the context to understand any insult that might have been intended towards Light, though the man’s attitude alone was enough for him to understand the irritation. The man also did not seem to recognize him as a Utaysi, though frankly he was mildly surprised that had not been more common. If for no other reason than to avoid having to carry on a conversation with him, Senjen considered simply not dispelling the illusion. He did not need to lie, merely to be...terse. “I am currently serving Into-The-Abyss-In-Search-Of-Light.” Senjen answered in a calm, even tone. Senjen was finding himself curious on what this file was and what they intended to do with it. He was even more confused at the small bit of the conversation he had managed to translate. It was hard to tell what sort of relationship these people had to one another, or why they needed to go get a girl for something. It could have been unrelated to their business, but Senjen really had no idea. After a moment, Senjen privately messaged Light. “Telling them everything now is still an option, if you think it best. Do you think it is possible the other group could be spying on us here, in the restaurant?”