The inn was moderately busy in the early afternoon, but obviously had much more space than the half-dozen patrons took up, mostly eating alone at a table. The gruff man who was serving food to a hunter-like fellow, didn't make small talk, just put the bowl of stew on the table. The hunter nodded at him, and started to eat at leisure. She had a hooded cloak dropped on the back of her chair, sturdy leather boots, and a piercing, clear gaze. The others were elder people, sipping a mug of beer, or staring out the window. The man who served the food noticed the knight entering the Goatbeard. He stopped and took a few steps towards Sir Shane. He tried an awkward bow, but stopped midway, and searched for the proper word for a few seconds. [color=fff79a][b]Ummm, welcome good lord, to the inn. What do ... would you like to have?[/b][/color]