I give to you... [b][color=f7941d]Kiffar.[/color][/b] [hider=Kiffar, the Orange][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250116/e49d56457884bbb28a864c7f292c3897.png[/img] [img]https://tinyurl.com/wspj5ucr[/img][/center] [hr] [hr] [b][color=f7941d]Age:[/color][/b] 36 [b][color=f7941d]Race:[/color][/b] Khajiit (Cathay-Raht) [b][color=f7941d]Appearance:[/color][/b] As a Cathay-Raht, Kiffar will never have an easy time blending into a crowd. Standing at a full three meters and change in height, with a broad, powerful physique, he towers over kin and strangers alike. Orange fur, striped with black and accented by cream, make him stand out all the more- for even amidst his fellow Cathay-Raht, commonly darkly hued, he is unusual. Eyes of an icy blue give his stare a disconcerting level of intensity, let alone the unwavering nature of a feline gaze. Beyond the natural gift of size, he is well muscled by a life of hard training and effort, with a fair share of scars beneath the veil of his pelt- enough to suggest a life of violence, though not so many as to imply he does not know how to duck. So far as gigantic tiger men go, he may yet be considered handsome, despite the beginnings of grey sneaking through the orange and cream around his chin, brows and whiskers. [b][color=f7941d]Personality:[/color][/b] Kiffar is a simple man, of simple drives. While it would be incorrect to call him stupid, he does not make a habit of concerning himself with intellectual matters, believing them best left to others with wiser heads than his own. He believes that there are very few problems that cannot be solved with either violence or flirting, and he vastly prefers the former option when possible. On his own, he is prone to aimless wandering- But with proper direction, he can be a terrible tool of brute force... So long as he remains fed and entertained. Without one or the other, he can be prone to becoming moody, either growing increasingly irritable, or descending into a state of pouting from which it can be difficult to rouse him. Likewise, long bouts of discussion on matters which interest him little may drive him to wander off, bored, which rarely ends well for anybody nearby... [hr] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Skills:[/color][/b][/h1] [b][color=f7941d]Sharps:[/color][/b] Kiffar has always appreciated a good blade, and as a warrior and a manesguard, he was expected to know how to use them well. While he has a personal preference for a greatsword and a backup dagger as his standard kit, he is well versed in the use of swords and axes big and small, and is particularly fond of axes as a tool for throwing, when he can loot them off of somebody else. Blades overall, however, are tools to him, things used for killing on the job, not for fun. He greatly prefers to go without them entirely, where he can afford to have a little fun. [b][color=f7941d]These Hands:[/color][/b] Kiffar is a master of each of the Khajiiti traditional Claw-Dances- The Zhan Khaj, Vrin-Thak, Rawlith Kahj, and Ziz Kurah- and was, once, renowned for his prowess as an unarmed combatant. While he still maintains these skills, he has grown fonder and fonder of a more instinctive, wild brawling as the years passed, relying on his sheer power, speed, and reflexes to thread the formal techniques into a far less pretty and refined, but far more adaptive and brutal style all his own. [b][color=f7941d]Yeet and Skeet:[/color][/b] In the rare case that Kiffar's prey is too elusive for him to close the gap, he has grown adept in covering that distance with thrown weapons. While it is far from his best skill, there is something to be said for the raw power with which he can put a javelin, axe, or dagger into- and occasionally through- somebody's chest. While his strength allows him to cover incredible ranges, his accuracy leaves something to be desired beyond the length of a room. [b][color=f7941d]You do not see [s]Tyberos[/s] Kiffar:[/color][/b] While it would be nearly impossible for Kiffar to actually conceal himself from view without the aid of magic, he is quite capable of standing still enough to go unnoticed in the right circumstances- And he moves with a shocking degree of care and silence for somebody of his scale. So long as he isn't in somebody's line of sight, he is more than capable of sneaking up on them. [b][color=f7941d]Poison Tester:[/color][/b] Due to his incredible constitution and keen senses, Kiffar occasionally acted as poison tester during his time as a Manesguard. While he is hopeless at brewing potions, he can expertly identify most common, and some rare, potions and poisons by taste and smell- And, generally, is able to survive imbibing the latter in small doses. [hr] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Magic:[/color][/b][/h1] Kiffar is orange. Kiffar is not good at silly spells and magics, and is offended that you would remind him of this fault in his [s]incredibly narrow[/s] broad range of talents. [hr] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Equipment:[/color][/b][/h1] [b][color=f7941d]Personal Items:[/color][/b] Garb of the Unbound- A fancy title for the only clothes anywhere nearby that (Mostly) fit Kiffar. As pictured. Scabbards (Empty)- The empty scabbards for Kiffar's favorite sword and dagger. He called them perverts for trying to take his belt. Satchel- Kiffar's satchel. It contains mostly snacks, a pathetic scattering of septims, and several blacksmiths puzzles. Amulet of the Kitten- A Malachite pendant, crafted for Kiffar by his beloved mother. His most prized possession. [b][color=f7941d]The Lockbox:[/color][/b] Leg guards- Light weight, sturdy leg armor. Kiffar attempted to claim it was decorative. A Guardsman's broken shins begged to differ. Sword and Dagger- Kiffar's favorite sword and dagger. Sized and weighted for him, they are almost comically large to others. Moon Sugar- Kiffar was... Holding it for somebody else? Wrist Weights- Taken for similar reasons to his leg guards. [b][color=f7941d]Stored Items:[/color][/b] Storage? What is this storage you speak of? Why would Kiffar trust others with his things? You are silly, man-thing. [hr] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Background:[/color][/b][/h1] [b][color=f7941d]Kiffar, the Vast:[/color][/b] Born a Cathay-Raht, destiny marked Kiffar for war, to be used by his people as an instrument of brutality, in defense of their home, or in pursuit of their goals in other lands. Even amidst his kindred, he grew to be large, powerful limbs lending him speed and strength fit only for violent use. The Cathay-Raht were once described as large and fast enough to do battle with werewolves, and Kiffar is a breathing example of that truth. He was tutored by warriors and by claw-dancers, and pit against his kindred to refine him. His life was one of training and of action, and it was upon his sixteenth nameday that they considered him ready. They named him Kiffar the Vast, and for ten years, he did battle in their charge. [b][color=f7941d]Kiffar, the Manesguard:[/color][/b] So great we're the actions of Kiffar the Vast, in the years of his youth, that honors were extended to his family- To come to the city-state of Torval, to be of the kin of the Mane. Kiffar was to serve as warrior guard, to be bastion and claw to the Mane himself, and he took this duty with pride. There he was refined further, and came to be among the most lethal and feared of his people, for all the Manesguard must be so. For ten years did he protect and serve the leader of his people. For ten years, he bore the palanquin upon his shoulders when his master sought to wander his realm. For ten years, they named him Kiffar the Manesguard. [b][color=f7941d]Kiffar, the Unbound[/color][/b] Chaos came to Elsweyr in the dusk of the third era. Chaos came, for leadership was lost. Assassins came in the night for the Mane, and like ghosts, evaded the watch of his guard. The Mane was slaughtered in his bed, and Kiffar knows only that the deed was done in the wake of his master's treaty with Cyrodiil, and the rise of the Renrijra Krin. He believes, knows in his spine, that it was they who brought blades in the night. But this belief does not rid him of blame, and of guilt. The Manesguard failed in their charge, and were reviled for their failure. The whole of them were removed of their posts, as war began in the sands of Elswyrr, and banished to wander, shamed and outcast. They named him Kiffar the Unbound, and he left his home forever. [b][color=f7941d]Kiffar, the Troublesome[/color][/b] It has been nearly a year now, since the day of his banishment, and Kiffar has wandered far beyond the warm sands of home. To the lands of the Empire proper did he roam, and there he sold his talents as a mercenary, as a bodyguard, as a champion, and as a common thug, for no duty was too little or too rough for his shame. He turned to mischief to ease his guilt, turned to fighting to ease his rage, and became a common face within the dungeons. They knew him there, and in a way, that was a comfort, for he knew he would never again know home as it should have been, only as it could be found. They did not name him here- And he believed he would never be named again. [hr] [h1][b][color=f7941d]Ambition:[/color][/b][/h1] Kiffar will find the Renrijra Krin agents who slaughtered the Mane, and he will rip them apart with claws and fangs, and leave the scraps for their betters to find. They, he will haunt to his final days, for the failure in his duty can be answered only with his end... And first, with theirs.[/hider]