[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/d18QHyE.png[/img] [h2][color=#fcba03]Callum Prosser[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Callum raised an eyebrow at how quickly Anabel's mood shifted. [color=#fcba03]"I'm overjoyed to know I'm not in trouble for listening to our boss,"[/color] he replied drily. He nearly reached out to pat her head, before feeling eyes on his back. Just as he turned to see [i]who[/i] might have been staring at him he was addressed by the culprit, with the offer of yet more work to content himself with. He looked across the waves, the great green form of the dragon being taken in tow by some of Duchess Agustria's boats. Thought for a moment about it, and shook his head. [color=#fcba03]"I'm sure he's looking forward to the chance to talk with me again,"[/color] he replied wryly. [color=#fcba03]"Not that that's done well for him. Let him sit on the ride back. Send a message over, make sure they've got him bound well—he's fast and he's got a few tricks to make sure you can't [i]see[/i] the knives in his hands. I'll stop by and see him when we're back on dry land if I get the chance."[/color] Given the trouble Raiden had given him, it was tempting to consider just [i]what[/i] he could do to the man without any guards watching. Too tempting; but regardless, it was clear that the Sparrow had decided to make them enemies down in the [i]Minstrel's[/i] hold, and hadn't spared much consideration at all for Callum or Anabel's continued presence when [i]he[/i] decided to join in attacking the ship they were on. Callum didn't have much further consideration or pity to spare the man, certainly not after how the rest of his day had just gone. He had one thing on his mind. [color=#fcba03]"For now, I need to find something to eat. That was a lot of work down there, making sure [i]I[/i] wasn't swallowed!"[/color] He glanced down at Anabel almost immediately after saying that, jaw slamming shut. Was she distracted enough with the necklace to have not noticed that? He hoped so. Evidently she had worried [i]enough[/i] even [i]without[/i] knowing of that small wrinkle in the plan. Nor did he know why she worried so much in the first place. [color=#fcba03][i]How did she and the guards say it? 'He's with House Furino, I'll take responsibility for him?' How literally did she intend that...[/i][/color] Maybe he had two things on his mind.