[h1][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5587189][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/111x111q70/924/oBIuNP.png[/img][color=FF00FF] Epsilon 9-00FF66 - "Nine"[/color][/url][/h1] Text Color: [color=FF00FF]FF00FF[/color] Location: [color=FF00FF]Havenwood[/color] Participants: [@Mav99] - [color=CD5C5C]Maverick[/color]; Expendable - [color=FF00FF]Nine, Nanny Jo[/color]. [hr] [color=FF00FF]"Thank you,"[/color] Nine replied, the corners of her mouth ever so slightly drooping as she took in Maverick's appearance. [color=FF00FF]"You don't look well, would you like to..."[/color] [color=FF00FF]"Nine!"[/color] screech Nanny Jo, sticking her head out of the curtain from her shelter and waving her cane. It had a strange "L" shape, with a separate room jutting outwards that her treatment room. [color=FF00FF]"Nine! Come fetch the stew!"[/color] [color=FF00FF]"Excuse me,"[/color] Nine said, glancing back at Maverick. [color=FF00FF]"My supervisor needs me."[/color] Trotting over, she accepted the oven mitts that Nanny Jo provided and stepped inside. An ancient pot-belly stove held a large pot of bubbling gravy, 'elephant meat', root vegetables, and a handful of herbs and spices that Nanny Jo had on hand. [color=FF00FF]"Just take that out and refill the pot, the lunch rush will be soon."[/color] [color=FF00FF]"Yes, Nanny Jo,"[/color] Nine replied, slipping on the quilted oven mitts and carefully taking the heavy pot down, letting it sit on the stone floor before hoisting it up again and carrying it out holding the bail in her right hand. Raising it up to the lip of the half-empty cauldron, she carefully tipped the pot with her other gloved hand and watch carefully as the stew poured out.