[center][img] https://i.imgur.com/5ILCycx.png[/img][/center] [hr] Given the urgency of the situation, sadly Éliane had not had the chance to cackle like a maniac as she poured in the high-volume fire, but she could settle for the barrier being broken through their combined firepower. She was also going to bemoan the loss of so much ammunition after just restocking the expensive and hard to find stuff, but that was a problem for future Elly, not present Elly. Thankfully, the gambit by extreme firepower worked, as things should be… but that hardly calmed down the giant leviathan. Maybe they would have to put it down after all? Sad days when the water bitch was better served pointing her anger at Valheim… Éliane finally paused her fire, conscious of her dwindling ammunition as she eyed up her still enraged foe and as her team began to make their own play. Seeing Miina’s surprisingly bold attempt, she was already on it when Esben called out. Pulling out couple grenades, she eyed Leviathan’s head speculatively, frowning when she realized that the creature was out of throwing distance… But not batting distance. Unsheathing her gunblade and dropping into a batting stance, one after another, she pulled the pins on the explosives and tossed them in the air… and smashed them with her weapon to explode against Leviathan’s face. Robin was in the same geographic area, but no doubt she would be fine…