[hr][CENTER][h1][u]Elliot Braide //[/u][color=007236][u] ROOK[/u][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Bsn2Y7i.png[/img][H1][i]Ensign[/i][/h1][/center][hr] And just like that, it was over. One moment the Fafnir had been bearing down on Elliot, its intent quite clear. For all it was worth Elliot stayed his course, intending to meet the Fafnir and engage before it could try and take him out. There, of course, would be no need for that. Rhino bore down upon the Fafnir like a demon from hell whose claws demanded its payment. The Fafnir in its damaged state could do nothing against the awesome might that overtook it before it ever attained a viable threat range for the Venerator. Elliot could only look on in awe as Rhino pulverised the MAS and reduced it to a number of pieces with a few quickly executed moves. A chill went down Elliots spine, fear and excitement all bundled together. This was what he desired, this awesome might was what he wanted. Destruction at the tip of his fingers for any who would dare stand between his goals and those of his superiors. Elliot’s face contorted in a devious grin as he reimagined Rhino taking down the Fafnir once more. [color=ed1c24]<>[/color] Elliot was taken aback at the response and thus quickly moved on from his moment of desire, although the request hadn’t been necessarily one hundred percent serious Elliot had certainly not expected a direct rejection to the offer. Could he have let down his squadmate in the battle? Did Commie not want to share a drink with him because he’d failed to pull his weight? Anxiety slowly crept in, finding a spot to nestle in the deeper recess of Elliots thoughts as he worried about his performance. [color=007236]”No worries bud, some other time.”[/color] he said in an attempt to save face in the situation. [color=007236]”Rook ready to RTB, taking up the rear.”[/color] Elliot wasted no more time on idle thoughts as he prepared to head for the Roanoke.