---It worked. It had taken so much effort, from all of them working together, but the barrier had shattered and Leviathan's attack had been interrupted. That was all that mattered. From the very edge of defeat, they'd managed to grasp the strand of hope and hold on, together. They'd managed to give themselves the opportunity to claim victory. That was it. Robin couldn't let herself slack off now. She sucked in a deep breath. She'd tried to blind Leviathan already, and it had worked for a few scant moments. That was clearly what Esben was working off of when he made his request. She'd already been moving before he finished speaking, pouring as much power into her legs as possible to reach her goal as swiftly as she could, light flowing up the edge of her blade. ---Wait, are those grenades?! Elaine had already acted, using her weapon to smack the explosives right towards Leviathan's face, in hopes of hitting her all the harder. Robin sprang backwards, trying to give herself a bit more room in hopes of avoiding the blast. Wait, wasn't this a good opportunity? Raising her spada, feeling magical energy surging over its edge once more, Robin loosened a bolt of light towards Leviathan's face. The moment the smoke from the grenades cleared, she'd get a blast right to her eyes!