[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250106/41c9c050f54593806ca051fceeccffc1.png[/img][/center] Blinking at being caught staring, Sophia gave Bat a cutesy wave back. Further socializing was not something she had accounted for. She really should have - she was in a group of people with nothing to do [i]but[/i] talk to each other after all. But the thought hadn't crossed her mind, so when another fan (the Rotom-haver) spoke up, she give him a small smile and tried her best not to zone out. Thankfully, after a whole three and a quarter sentences the man - Auggie - mentioned something that got her attention. [color=FFA4CD]"Oooh, [i]that's[/i] where I know you from,"[/color] she said, pointing a finger at him. She hadn't put the face to the name, but she recalled seeing said face before when looking at his artwork of pokémon. It must have been because she'd seen his videos linked on the blog. [color=FFA4CD]"I've Watchog'd a few of your vids before~"[/color] Truthfully she only watched the ones where something actually happened in them though, eager to get a look at some ghost-types in their natural habitats. So really, only a few of them every now and then. This time she expected to exchange a few more empty pleasantries, so she was delighted at the surprise that came with Auggie releasing another of his pokémon. Sophia's eyes sparkled as she looked the Slowking over, leaning closer to get a better look. [i]A nice collar and clear eyes... And its Shellder looks so sturdy! Oooh I want to pinch his cheeks! ♥[/i] Sophia glanced at Auggie, curious as to what amazing thing this Slowking could allegedly do. Besides being super smart and super adorable. She waited with her fists clenched in front of her, silently supporting the pokémon in its endeavor as it... spoke! It spoke its name! [color=FFA4CD]"Wow!"[/color] Sophie gave Einstein a little applause and a wide smile. [color=FFA4CD]"Good job! That's amazing! I think... you've definitely got Orangurus beat! Maybe you're the smartest Slowking in existence? Let's see if we can find an Alakazam and set up a quiz show battle!"[/color] She spoke directly to Einstein, cooing over the pokémon. Eventually she did address Auggie again. [color=FFA4CD]"That sounds nice~ I've got a few amazing friends of my own, ehehe~"[/color] As she said that, the Comfey around her neck chirped contentedly. Of course Bibi was just a normal Comfey, but she was special in her own way - namely by being Sophia's first partner. She might have engaged in more show and tell with Auggie right there on the dock, but her ears perked when the only other woman present said 'Mantine.' Then Sophia looked at her, all but leering at Vitesse. [color=FFA4CD]"No waaaay, really? Prove it! Show me your Mantine!"[/color] Unfortunately for the maniac, she wouldn't get a chance to see it just yet. Almost as if conjured by Vitesse's boasting, the yacht captain came running onto the dock. His appearance, while a relief, wasn't even half as well received by Sophia as the Machamp behind him. [color=FFA4CD]"Kyaaa!"[/color] Sophia let out, slapping her palms to her cheeks. Bibi was unphased, more than used to her trainer's eccentricities. [color=FFA4CD]"Those muscles! That head ridge! ♥"[/color] She completely ignored the captain's excuse, hurrying over to lay her hands on the Machamp and feel its back muscles, a look of complete happiness spreading on her face. She was practically melting, but Bibi tugged on one of her ponytails when the captain began to check everyone's names. [color=FFA4CD]"Ehehehe~ Oooh, right. Sophie Dolci, present~"[/color] she said. She saw that some, like the man who now introduced himself as Edward, were beginning to board. When Machamp moved to take luggage she moved with it, still glued to the pokémon until she peeled herself away to gather up the few bags she had dumped on the pier and hand them over to it. She seemed disproportionately excited that her things were going to be carried aboard by the creature.