What was she even doing? A university lecture? She had work on her latest book to do but she had agreed to guest lecture for a few mythology sessions for a number of weeks. Only for her to be ran into and accidently hit her head just right on a lamp on one of the campus walkways. An embarrassing way to go for sure. She didn't even really need to go... But what was done was done. And what was done was her life. At least it didn't hurt. "Excuse me, ma'am, you can't sleep here." "Ngggghh...." She would complain. She had just been sleeping? Well, she felt tired still. In fact, she needed to sleep a bit more. "Five more minutes." There were no blankets on her. That was weird. She slept with three blankets on her at any time that wasn't summer. And even then.... She'd reach out for a blanket, only to grab the hand that had pushed on her to wake her up. "Hmmm? Wait a sec. I've not lived with someone else for years." It was then that she opened her eyes and saw the cute fox girl trying to wake her. There were so many thoughts flowing through her head. First, what was this adorable creature in front of her? Second, why was she in some... random looking forest? Third, was there a man just laying there too? Oh, no. He wasn't laying. He was getting up. "Hmm. Hmm. I see, I see. Yes, I remember now. Once a fleeting life, I have fallen into the cycle of reincarnation. Or something like that. Maybe." She smiled brightly and stood before grabbing the small fox girl in front of her and hugging her. "Hello there adorable fox girl and the random man I don't know. My name is... Jormungandr. Just call me Jor, if you please." She hugged the fox girl tight to her chest for some seconds before setting her down. It was then that her tongue instinctively acted. It looked serpentine and it flicked out of her mouth slightly, before retracting into her mouth. When it returned to her mouth her face scrunched up a bit. "That was a small bit unexpected, even for me."