Whatever notions Kir had about having a slumber party with Lyris were quickly dashed. The Serennian was out like a light the moment her head hit the pillow in her bunk. She wondered if that was a function of a wild day, or more of a common occurrence given the energy she must expend every time she used her abilities. It didn’t bother her, though. She was glad at least one of them could sleep. Kir, on the other hand, laid awake for what felt like an eternity. It wasn’t the bunk - the bed was fine, perhaps even more comfortable than the bed she’d had on Earth which was really quite serviceable - but something more intangible that she couldn’t shake. With Harrison around all day, she’d felt comfortable. Safe, even. It wasn’t that she felt [i]unsafe[/i] with Lyris, quite the opposite, but it wasn’t the same safety. Kir wouldn’t have said she was drawn to power, but Harrison did have the power to stand up and offer protection that she couldn’t necessarily manage on her own. Sure, X’hondrians had some extraordinary abilities, but at the end of the day they were still quite vulnerable especially in sleep. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a good, solid night of sound sleep, but if she had to guess it was before the empire invaded her homeworld. Tossing and turning did nothing, and after a while she worried she’d do something to wake up Lyris. Sighing, she conceded and admitted her defeat. Sleep would not take her, at least not in her bunk. She turned, peering over at Lyris’ peaceful form in the dark, listening to the steady sound of her breathing. Perhaps, if she was lucky, Harrison was equally as sleepless. She probed ever so gently across to his mind, testing for wakefulness before she tried to speak to him. She opened the door of her mind to let him reach out if he was awake enough to feel her mind close to his. Harrison was staring up at the ceiling, thinking of the day he had. He honestly still couldn't believe he left Earth. The only planet he had known his entire life. Now he was planning to free many. He didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't have a real plan and he was now dragging three people into a rebellion. He didn't know anything about the galaxy or the empire. And if his enforcer armor was broken how strong was a real enforcer's armor? He had only been using the armor for a year. These enforcers had real experience. He couldn't help but think he was just leading them all to their deaths. Why did they trust him so much with their lives? Harrison's thoughts were interrupted by the presence of Kir's mental touch. He recognized it already. It was a strange, but fascinating feeling. [i]“You couldn't sleep either, huh?”[/i] He thought in his mind, projecting it back to her through the ship's walls. Kir settled into a new sense of security reconnecting her mind to Harrison’s. It was odd and unfamiliar, but it wasn’t bad. If anything, it was just what she needed to feel a little more relaxed. The thought of simply slipping through the walls and into his room was tempting, but too invasive to just do without asking. That space was his, and he deserved his privacy, too. [i]”No… Too many racing thoughts and too much-“[/i] Kir finally started before she cut herself off, searching for a palatable word that didn’t involve ‘safety’. She settled on adding, [i]”Too much uncertainty. Lyris is asleep, though, so I’ve only had myself to go in circles with. I get the feeling you’re having the same problem. Maybe the solution is talking in circles together. Maybe then we can find a way to get some traction. Putting our heads together hasn’t failed us yet.”[/i] Admittedly, a small part of her was a little excited to perhaps still have her slumber party, but instead with Harrison. If nothing else, maybe airing out both of their thoughts instead of ruminating alone would help them sleep better. Kir was in well over her head with trying to spark a rebellion, but she was a quick study. Harrison, she figured, was equally drowning in the responsibility he had suggested taking on. He had expressed he was new to the armour and to serving as a hero on Earth, and as far as she was aware there had been no uprisings led by him in the past year. Harrison felt reassured that Kir was feeling the same way that he was. That they were plagued by the same heavy thoughts that threatened to crush them. He thought about hiding his doubts from her, but was glad that he didn't have to. [i]“You want to come over?”[/i] He finally asked. [i]“As much as I love the sound of your voice in my mind, I think this conversation would be better vocal.”[/i] When Harrison realized she was coming over he scrambled to put a shirt back on so she wouldn't be uncomfortable around him or thinking he wanted anything from her. Kir didn’t need to be asked twice. Smiling to herself, glad for the invitation, she concentrated for a moment before rolling over to phase through the wall into the main passageway that ran through the center of the ship. Touching her feet lightly back down on the floor, she padded a few steps up the hall to Harrison’s door. It took more concentration than it used to just to shift her body enough to phase through the door, but she was fifty years out of practice. She knew she’d pick it up easily enough once she’d had some practice. For an X’hondrian, manipulating their bodies was as easy as breathing, but for her it was like she’d just surfaced after a long dive, still gasping for breath. As she rematerialised on the other side of the door in Harrison’s room, she glanced around for a moment. It clearly still had all the previous captain’s things, but they weren’t planning to keep the ship so it seemed reasonable to leave it intact in case it was returned to the original owners. ”I agree, this is much better,” Kir nodded as she turned toward Harrison, still standing. In her pyjamas near the door. Harrison stared at Kir for a moment, taking in her pale appearance in the Captain's dark cabin. There was a window that showed the galaxy around them, the planets and moons that they passed reflecting light into the room. He thought she looked amazing in her casual clothes. He didn't even think that she'd also be wearing pajamas. He caught himself staring and got out of the bed so neither of them would be comfortable from their opposite positions. “Do you want to sit?” He asked, extending his hand to offer her the chair or the bed. ”Only if you sit with me,” Kir said as she picked her way around the edge of the bed to sit there. She patted the spot next to her to encourage him back over. “I have a feeling we’ve been agonising over some of the same things, and also some completely different things. Tell me what’s on your mind?” It was obvious he’d been holding back. She’d hardly heard his thoughts since he went back to have a word with the scrapper before they left. One the one hand, she was impressed he was adapting so quickly to having the constant mental link between them, but on the other she didn’t like the idea that he felt he couldn’t be totally open and honest with her. Every step they took going forward relied on them being able to trust each other. If they were the roots from which the rebellion grew, they had to be firm and stable, and that meant there could be no holding back from each other. Harrison sat down next to her. It was strange yet welcoming to him that she seemed to be able to read and understand him even without their psychic link being open. He decided not to hold back what was on his mind. A heavy sigh escaped his lips before he lifted his head to look at her. “I'm afraid I'm just leading you all to get killed. I don't know anything about war, liberation, or leading a rebellion. Yet you all seem willing and ready to follow me into the fire. Part of me wants to say screw it and just find a way for us to have a life together in this mess. The other part of me, the louder part of me keeps saying no. People deserve to be free. Your people deserve to be free and I gave my word to Lyris that we'd free her world. Even if I wanted to I couldn't just stop there.” Harrison finally breathed after letting all of that out. He wasn't expecting to say all of that, but it just flowed out of him. He still felt wrong though. He had a year with this power and thought to do nothing like this on Earth. So many oppressed and enslaved people even today. And that was one planet with different countries. How was he supposed to change and free a whole galaxy if he couldn't even do that? ”I think we’d be hard pressed to find anyone with the experience. Anyone who might has either already tried and failed, or the empire took them out before they had the chance. Maybe that’s our greatest strength - we’ll never be expected, and we might bring a fresh perspective no one else has. You and I both have incredibly unique lived experiences,” Kir assured him. “I wish we had access to the X’hondrian archives. We were like what you call monks; we were keepers of knowledge and history. There’s so much we could learn from the archives to prepare us, but there’s no telling what happened after the empire took control. My access to information about X’hondria was restricted after I was taken. Though… I suppose there’s a chance, however slim, they were able to hide copies of the archival records…” Kir shook her head, looking back at Harrison, “Although you originated the idea, you’re not leading this movement alone. You gave me the hope to stand up to the empire with you, and I will be by your side to support you the whole way. We are doing this together, so we either rise together or we fall together. It is a far greater sin to never try at all than to try and fail.” She didn’t know where that grounded belief came from. Just moments ago she’d been agonising over the decision, over whether she was right to agree to this with him, and whether they were right to invite others into this movement so early. They had no plan, barely any direction, almost no money, and definitely no ship. What chance did they stand? The empire could crush them without breaking a sweat. And yet, the moment Harrison expressed any sort of doubt in himself, she jumped to assure him he was capable of more than he gave himself credit for. She couldn’t help herself, or her belief in his abilities. In just a single day, he’d proven more than once his ability to rise to the occasion when he was called upon, and she doubted that would change any time soon. She was right. Of course she was right. These were the words he needed to hear to shake loose Harrison's doubts. And if she was fine with putting her life on the line than who was he to stop her? He already lived a long life of adventure. If it ended trying to free a galaxy he would've died knowing he lived a life worth living. And even if they did fail all it took was a spark of hope. Someone out there willing to go against the odds to fight for what was right. As of right now their numbers were three and one maybe going up against an entire galactic empire. If that wasn't a story that'd inspire planets to rise up together then he didn't know what would. He stood with a newfound look of determination and unbreakable will on his face. “Look out Emperor! Your reign of terror has lasted too long. It's time for your empire to collapse!!” He exclaimed triumphantly. It was a battle cry more for himself than anything. It settled his mind and heart on this goal. He laughed to himself, hoping his outburst didn't wake the others. Harrison sat back down next to Kir and smiled. “Thank you.” He said softly before reaching out to hug her. He paused for a moment, before recalling that she hugged him earlier and continued with the hug. “I really needed to hear that. I'm ready now.” Kir couldn’t help a laugh at his energy. All it took was a nudge in the right direction - toward confidence - and he perked right up. It’s what she was hoping for. His confidence and joy were contagious, at least for her. If he believed, she believed, and if she believed, then he believed. It was a circle of positivity that fed itself. Fate always had plans, and one could rarely predict them. She wondered if X’hondria had never fallen, if the empire had never expanded that far, would she still have met Harrison? Was that preordained by Fate? Or did everything have to happen just right to put them in place to meet? If things hadn’t happened just as they had, would her life be totally different? Would she find herself looking at some other person with such affection and admiration? Kir supposed it didn’t matter “what if”; she was here now on this ship with these people staying up far too late with [i]this[/i] man, and that was all that really mattered. She’d been going in circles about it ever since she went to bed, turning it over and over in her head all the infinite possibilities that it could have been different, but it wasn’t and there was nothing more futile than questioning what reality might have been. “I think I’m ready, too,” she nodded firmly as she pulled away from the hug. She hadn’t realised how starved she was for touch, and the warmth of contact nearly made her refuse to pull away at all. “I think I was still stuck on the consequences, but something about being in your presence reminds me the consequences of not acting are far greater. I let myself lose hope when I was trapped on Earth, and I don’t want to be that person anymore. I want to be someone who does something. Tomorrow, come what may, we’ll figure out next steps. Together.” Her words hit him once again. If he wasn't sure already that he wanted to do this, her talking of losing hope before they escaped together would have certainly done the trick. What if people in the galaxy were losing hope and they needed them to open the doors of their invisible cells? “Let’s make sure no one else in the galaxy loses hope ever again.” He paused for a moment to think. “Is there anything else on your mind or do you think you're good to sleep now?” Kir hesitated for a moment. They were still so new to each other, but her racing thoughts hadn’t been the only thing keeping her awake. She wasn’t sure how to tell him, or rather ask him, not to leave her alone. She could go back to her room with Lyris - it’s not like the Serennian was going to hurt her - but she didn’t [i]know[/i] her the way she knew Harrison. Frowning as she tried to find the right words, she fidgeted with the bracelet she still wore around her wrist, “I don’t know how to express it in the right way, but I’ll try. I know the culture on Earth, especially in America, is vastly different to where I’m from, so this might be too much to ask, but… I’m hyper aware of my own vulnerability when I sleep, so I don’t sleep very well anymore. I feel safe with you, like I can finally relax. Can I stay with you tonight?” She looked up at him, trying to read his expression without reading his mind. Harrison's eyes widened just slightly at the request. He wasn't against it. He just wasn't expecting it. He gave her a nod. “You can sleep with me tonight and every night until you feel comfortable to sleep with Lyris, Co-Captain.” He added the last bit with a smile and a wink to make her more comfortable as he knew it probably took a lot for her to ask that. Though for all intents and purposes she was the Co-Captain of the ship and crew. They started this journey together. They were on this journey together. And if he were to be honest it would probably be good for him to have the company as well. Co-captain had a nice sort of ring to it. Not one leading the other, not just one giving orders to the other, but a partnership. Together, as they both had agreed. She smiled softly, once again reassured by his easy, warm agreement and the playfulness of his wink. It would surprise her if the rest of the galaxy didn’t fall in love with him instantly. He had all the charm and charisma, and he was certainly doing an excellent job of drawing her in, though she felt no sense of falsity to his persona. That was just simply who he was, and she liked it. She liked it a lot, and she was trying very hard not to think about that. ”Let’s call it a night, then,” she suggested, moving over to give him space to join her as she laid down. “I have a feeling we have a lot more long days ahead of us.” Harrison grabbed one of the pillows and laid it along the space between them, causing Kir to look at him with confusion. “I don’t really think we need that, unless it would make you feel more comfortable?” Kir stated. He looked at her as he started to settle in, surprised, but moved it all the same, “I was doing it to make you feel comfortable.” ”I’m fine, Harr,” she assured as she snuggled down under the blankets with him. “I don’t think you have even the slightest hint of a malicious thought in your head about me.” Just like Lyris, she was out like a light. She was safe and warm and cared for. For a moment, she could forget anything that had happened in the last century of her life. In her half-asleep haze, she was just a child on X’hondria again and nothing bad had ever happened to her. At some point in the night, she gravitated toward Harrison’s warm, cuddling closer and curling into him as she sought it out without a pillow to serve as the barrier to stop her.