[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Black flame, bullets, and buckler slammed into Leviathan's skull while Miina electrified her from the tail upward. Leviathan screeched in rage and agony, rearing up and charging another water jet in her mouth before a combination of grenades and light magic disrupted her focus. Izayoi followed up not long after, leaping onto Leviathan's body from the midpoint of the serpent and repeatedly plunging the tip of her katana between the Eidolon's scales. The titanic sea serpent seethed, whirling her body around to shake everyone atop her off once more before runes of casting materialized around her head, another spell in the process of charging . [h3]"Enough! I will suffer these insults no longer! If I must wash away all in my path to be rid of you, then so be it! Now face mine Tidal Wave-"[/h3] An orb of flame crashed into Leviathan's upper body, cancelling out the spell as she writhed for a moment, recovering quickly. [b]"Leviathan! All of you! Stop!"[/b] A familiar voice cried out. From the edge of the ruins, Cid appeared with Eve following along not far behind him, the latter offering the party a slight wave as the priest hurriedly marched forward, his staff plunging into the ground with every step. Up above, Ifrit landed atop the highest point of the waterlogged ruins, eyeing his fellow Eidolon with a warning glare. [b]"Every last one of you needs to stop this needless carnage, immediately."[/b] Cid's voice was clear, loud, and grave. The aged priest slammed his staff into the ground to accentuate his point, as shockingly, Leviathan bowed her head to him. [h3]"Dominant, these wretches offered deliberate insult to the rites. They profaned the old ritual and our convenant to the gods!"[/h3] [b]"They were deceived, Leviathan. I can assure you that whatever insult was given, none of it was deliberate. Your battle could be seen all the way from Costa Del Sol. I know these warriors well enough that they would not have conducted such a profanement of the rites on purpose had they known of the ancient ways. Incidentally,"[/b] Cid turned his gaze back towards the Kirins, his expression deathly serious. [b]"Who instructed you so poorly? This had to have been deliberate-"[/b] [b]"That would be me."[/b] Another familiar voice cried out. Grovemaster Isolde emerged from the ruins' entrance in much the same manner Cid had, bringing nearly two dozen men in Brightlam Cathedral uniform with her. [b]"I apologize for the deception, Kirins, but at last, you've delivered Cid the Heretic directly into my hands. Surrender him into my custody, and I'll have no further quarrel with you. I'll even support your aims to bring toward the other Grovemasters once more. Zacharias is a lost cause, but Alambert can be turned. With two Grovemasters out of three, you'll have the support you need to stand against Valheim. What say you?"[/b]