[h2]Hikari[/h2] "Hm, so we've all been reincarnated? At least this won't be a lonely isekai." Hikari wondered… after being put down from the hug. Now, wasn't that an odd situation? Nobody was likely to have been [i]able[/i] to just pick her up and do something like that before this, and quite certainly nobody had [i]tried[/i] since she was a child. Now that everybody had stood up, she could see that, indeed, it was more than [i]being a cute fox girl[/i] that had changed in her death. Ah, this was going to be an inconvenience later, wasn't it? Still, if she was a fox, and had nine tails, there must surely be the potential for shapeshifting so she could get a more adult body for when it would be useful. Until then, maybe she should just try and get something to dissuade weirdos. "I'm Abe Hikari. Ah… I don't suppose either of you know how to navigate? I only left Tokyo for a few business meetings…"