[@King Kindred] Gwen narrated the fight between Jericho and Yaorin, atop the Holy Forest, next to the Castle. [sub]Narration[/sub] [indent][indent][I]Slayers of the different Slayer Types cannot eat each other's magic but there comes a time, where Slayers of the same magic powers, can eat each other's magic but never gain each other's powers and all time, it leads to a battle of attrition.[/I][/indent][/indent] Yaorin anticipated the attack that the Dragonized Jericho did and swallowed, no, gobbled what he released directly at her, she sucked Jericho's massive magical power that he roared against her. Spiria was the big black spheric ball of magic that Yaorin consumed, although it was clad in Mana, Yaorin's skin at Angel Force was clearly impenetrable from Mana except against physical attacks. [color=F0FFFF]"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of Magic but by our skills in the physical."[/color] Yaorin used her angelic authority as a Four-Winged Angel to forcefully deactivate his Dragon Force, but not fully she's intrigued by the fact that Jericho resisted the [url=https://fairytail.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Supremacy_Magic]Dragon Supremacy Magic[/url], a lost attribute unique to high-ranking Angels in Universe 7. Yaorin only turned Jericho back to human but not full but [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHkXjm7RykqlmCnN_l_h5RAz7ldpVDs5Inbfd--WDQRvP8rJzeiefXtzQ&s=10]partially dragonized[/url] and taking half of her magic power as well, making her partially angelized. As they afloat in the air. [color=azure]"Have you ever heard the tragedy of Faris, The White? It seems that you got a special woman in your heart, I can see it in your eyes, little dragon. I thought not. It's not a story that Pergrandenians would tell you, it's an Icebergan legend. Faris, The White was The Great White Mage, so powerful and wise, that she could turn all ethernano into the Magic of One to ressurect the dead. She had such great knowledge with the Magic of One but could not even reunite with her beloved at summer's wait, today this story was reduced into Beauty and The Beast. ([sup][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5545005]Callback Foreshadowing[/url] of Izuki, slipping the book, Beauty and The Beast into Jericho's hand in the Guild[/sup]) Jericho was it? Join our ranks and perhaps you could be with that special someone."[/color]