The cutest Doll - Lena [hr] "Woke up on the bed." Lena cast another glance out the window but quickly turned her attention towards the man in black armor next to them. "Just got my first engineering job after Uni and was going to celebrate with some friends..." The dolls mouth turned down, just slightly at the edges as much as the joints would allow before she'd shake her head and offer the other two a smile. "The names Lena, armored friend. If I had to hazard a guess, I think we three are in the same situation?" She had never really been into video games or fantasy stories. She never really had time for the things between university and her other pursuits. Well, that wasn't exactly true. The times she did get into fantasy or science fiction things she always tried to come up with ways to build the things in the setting, heh. Ah she missed her Lego bricks already. "Lets see...its probably not the best idea to move around for now outside. I don't know about the milyy elf or you, mister, but I don't have much to defend myself with so I'm going to take a look around and see if I can't find anything useful. If nothing else, I can probably jury rig some weapon or something..."