[i]I've been waiting to start this.. it's been in a google slide for ages. let's let the community enjoy it![/i] [hider=Lore And History] It used to be a normal library.. Until[i] it[/i] came. One night, the entities snuck into the library and provoked many dark rituals. The entities became more powerful. It was out for every person in town. The entites managed to kill off the librarian. Then a new one was hired. And killed again.\ From then on, people were scared to go in. They heard ghostly sounds, screams, and saw stray apparitions in windows. The library shut down after that. The books were abandoned— people thought they were haunted too! The library became known as the Haunted Library. Some people say it’s cursed. One thing’s for certain— those entities sure got their way. [/hider] [hider=Character Lore] All characters were brought here by Pepper, in hopes they can find a way to release the trapped souls. However, when Pepper entered, she was turned into The Tail again, locking the new victims inside. Her good parts, unable to control The Tail, pray the humans can help let them go. Even as The Tail, she uses, well-her tail- to guide the humans, as well with faint, glowing white pawprints. [/hider] [hider=Entities] The entities are spirits somewhat tied to the Haunted Library, usually dark entities. Like The Master or The Tail, dark entities are, well, dark— and very mischievous. They’re usually the source of the torture and terror at the library. They tend to lure townspeople in and trap them, and are also the entities who encourage and call on the dark rituals. There are also Light, or more commonly known, Pixie entities. These are dogooder entities who are usually dead victims of the Dark Entities. They try to give hints to surviving victims and help them escape, often trying to defeat the dark entities on their own. And Then there’s Cursed Ones, dead townspeople who died victim to The Master. [hider=The Master] The master is the mastermind of everything that goes on in the library. The rituals. The killings. The kidnappings. The missing persons. All of it. The mastermind is a dark entity that takes many forms— cats, dogs, and especially humans, specifically young girls. It tricks townspeople into following her into the Library, then shuts and locks the doors and disappears. [/hider] [hider=The Tail] The Tail is a Pixie and a Dark entity. They are more commonly a ghost— of a cat who fell victim to The Master. This entity longs to help the surviving victims, but is cursed by The Master, and forced to work for the forces of evil. The Tail has been named Pepper when addressed in her Pixie form. Pepper is the pixie entity of The Tail— for short amounts of time she can avoid The Master, and be free to help the victims until The Master returns with more victims. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Terms and Traditions] These are some Haunted Library terms and traditions used. The Master — dark entity behind the many horrible things that go on in the library. The Tail — half-sided entity with both dark and light sides. Works for the master. Escapee —- victims who managed to escape the library. Cursed Ones —- victims who died in the library, forced to work for the master. Wildwood Masters Library — the abandoned library of which the Haunted Library is. Wildwood — The town and area surrounding the library. Pepper — the pixie version of the entity The Tail. helps victims become escapees. [/hider] [hider=Forms] [hider=Entity/Spirit Forms] Forms to roleplay as an entity or spirit. Entity Form: Name: Pronouns: General appearance: Light or Dark?: Light/Dark Other: Mention: [@leopard wcue] Spirit Form: Name: Pronouns: General Appearance: Cursed One Or Other?: Cursed One/Other Other: Mention: [@leopard wcue] [/hider] [hider=Victim/Escapee/Other Forms] Forms for victims, escapees, or other characters. Victim/Escapee/Other Form Name: Gender/Pronouns: Appearance: Personality: Victim, Escapee or Other: Victim/Escapee/Other Other: Mention: [@leopard wcue] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=How It Works] each character will have 3 lives. there will be various, dangerous tasks about the library. complete "quests" for spirits and pixie entities, avoid the dark entities, and you may just make it out alive. complete various puzzles and such. find the written spell that will open the doors, and have any spirit or pixie entity recite it, and the doors will open for a limited time. [kind of reminds me of piggy-type games on Roblox, tbh.] characters who have died and become spirits can be revived. their wounds will be somewhat healed. there are various ritual instructions hidden about. have pepper set it up and start it while in pixie form, and the character will be brought to life with minor wounds, however with permanent scarring to remember their death [ex. river's leg would be healed, but with a scar at the knee, where the leg was cut off, similar to an amputee's limbs being tied off.] always include your character's lives in your post. [ex. header: River she/her 3 lives] if your character has one or two lives, they are more likely to be targeted by dark entities. [/hider] [hider=Notes] this is set up almost as if a survival horror game. Characters [i]can be killed, if the rper allows it.[/i] Dead characters can reside as pixie entities [i]or[/i] cursed ones.[i][b] "One day, maybe our human friends will save this place and let us out..." [/b][/i] [hider=Pepper Images] [img]https://i.ibb.co/qLykcfJj/Screenshot-2025-01-29-2-45-37-PM.png[/img] [i]Pepper in Pixie form - [u]image made on "Warrior Cats 2D Original Character (OC) Creator"[/u][/i] [img]https://i.ibb.co/PzYK97dB/Screenshot-2025-01-29-3-08-59-PM.png[/img] [i]Pepper in the form of The Tail - [u]image made on "Warrior Cats 2D Original Character (OC) Creator"[/u][/i] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Warnings] gruesome details of bodies of former victims and gruesome detailing of their deaths or appearance as ghosts may come up- these will be placed in hiders if I think it could be a bit much for some. [/hider] there are short, basic character sheet forms provided in the hider titled "Forms," you can use one of those forms as a basic character sheet and put it in character category of the rp thread once it's made, you could use a more in depth sheet you'd prefer, I'll probably put in the sheet I just made for my oc,but it doesn't matter what template you use. the forms provided are just for basic info to see if i'd accept your oc. so you would post your oc using that template and mention me and I would go: "hmmm.. should I let oc in rp?" that's all there is to it, I see it's a bit confusing, that's how it was done on the rp forum I used to use RP THREAD ---> https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/194894-wildwood-masters-library-haunted-library-rp/ooc#post-5592426 [b][I]`` I'm positive they can do it. I swear my pixie on it.``[/i][/b] [i][u]~Pepper[/u][/i] [i]plsplspls join I didn't come up with this for nothing[/i]