Sun peered through the shutters of the metal gate protecting the inner sanctum of her modest shop. Reaver had since made her way to Sully’s Rest, she heard it was a good area for commerce and trade and it didn’t hurt that she was told information was bought and sold readily as it came. The trail on her brother and a way to really hemorrhage the NRS was quickly becoming cold, something she knew she’d have to stop. It had taken a pretty chip to be able to set up shop in this giant trading post and it took equally as long to break even before she began to see profit. She was an outsider, but then again so was everyone else there. So, people didn’t pay her much mind, it helped her give off the vibe of a disfigured man covered in cloth and wraps. Her products spoke for her, any kind of energy cell, pistol, even low level cybernetics. She built a small reputation and following, which also led to people trying to con her and threaten her for her supply. That was quickly routed, the details never coming to light. And so the sun heated the metal and in turn created a sauna inside, the hot summer wave licking her body slick with a film of sweat. It was her natural alarm, she was of course awake before the sun, but it did let her know when her operating hours were. Getting up she cracked her neck, her fingers in one fell swoop, and finally her back before flicking on the power. Machines whirred to life, bringing green screens across shelves. Grabbing the lip of the grate, she flicked it up until it slammed open at the top. Falling back into her stool, she flipped her sign to open and let the day begin. It wasn’t very long until one of her regulars came by and mentioned that something happened at Havenwood, something [i]big[/i]. Outsiders who were more outside than usual were congregating in Stella’s Dine-out, even a mutie had taken residence at one of the tablecloths. Reaver quickly flipped her sign over once more, leaving it to say [i]“Out to lunch”[/i]. Like a ghost she moved through the bustling crowd with ease, never meeting a shoulder check nor a foot stepped on. Her will brought her to the diner and she silently made her way in, careful not to draw any attention. She took to a table in the corner, taking out what looked like an archaic computer part and began tinkering, not needing to place an order as she too was a regular at this fine dining establishment. Her cybernetic eye went to work looking over each of those who clustered in the diner. Running over quadrants and sections of the body parts and feeding her some morphometrics. She fixed her ear to be able to listen if anything worth noting were to come to life.