[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] A shock ran up Esben's outstretched arm as the point of his sword connected, driving through scales rent asunder by the blast from the miniature cannons on the reverse of his shield. Just as quickly she reared, a mighty shake sending Esben flying off. He twisted in the air again, landing with his feet and one hand to the floor, skidding backwards a ways as he came to a stop from getting launched away from the writhing Eidolon. He stood straight as soon as he was done, blood dripping from the hand still gripping his buckler where the skin had been ripped by his backwards slide. Selene and Eos both darted his way, hovering just beside either of his shoulders as the truth of what had been happening was revealed at last. As he'd come to expect, it [i]was[/i] a trap, it [i]was[/i] the wrong ritual...and Isolde [i]had[/i] lied to them. He spared a single glance where Eve stood behind Cid, nodded at the latter— And immediately swung upwards with his sword, knocking the point of Miina's up into the air and shocking the diminutive Mystrel into almost immediate silence. Not that he expected they'd be able to get out of this [i]without[/i] cutting or blasting their way through, but nearly the entirety of the party needed to take the moment they had to breathe. Especially when the foe facing them next was completely fresh, and had more than double their number. So, let them breathe, and he would probe a bit...and [i]hopefully[/i] they would be inclined to let him do the talking for once. [color=#b3ccff]"Deception [i]does[/i] come easily with power, doesn't it?"[/color] he asked urbanely, walking up to the front and facing the youngest Grovemaster. [color=#b3ccff]"I'd always thought it would be a difficult thing, to lie and use people so often, but I suppose it really isn't. I suppose Zacharias was just as useful for you, hmm?"[/color] It wasn't lost on him that the eldest of them had been the most opposed to having anything to do with them...nor that, compared to Zacharias's shock and Alambert's impassivity, Isolde alone had been the one to openly think over it as though there was something to what they said when they gave Cid's name. Moreover, that she had been the only one to offer any arguments as to [i]why[/i] Neve could not come along. [color=#b3ccff]"You saw a chance to gain this the second Izayoi mentioned him, [i]ja?[/i] Was it your suggestion from the start?"[/color] He, at least, seemed to have some genuine enjoyment in thinking through the steps of the plan she'd had in place. [color=#b3ccff]"I'm curious what [i]heresy[/i] you refer to, though, before we can make a decision on the matter. Of those who know of his existence, I can think of rather few that would accuse him of such."[/color] He smiled at the mousy woman and her entourage. [color=#b3ccff]"Do you think to deal with them, buy yourself some time, and rely on the alliance to hold them off when they inevitably come knocking again? Or are you just tired of being under their thumb?"[/color]