Rho-Hux proceed with caution. The area around him triggered his senses. His mind went back and forth on replaying old missions done in jungles and raids on spaceships. When he spotted the 10-foot creature, he almost wished it had a gun on it so he would know it was hostile. For all he knew at the moment, it was an animal. There was no telling if it was a pack animal that would single a distress pheromone or call if attacked. There was also the matter of the strange environment they were in. Was this creature the cause or symptom of it? Rho-Hux tried his best to move around the creature, rarely taking his eyes off it but carefully avoiding looking directly at its head. If this thing did have eyes, he wanted to avoid challenging it if it could somehow sense him. [color=00a651]"Be advised, unknown creature spotted. 10-foot invertebrate. Doesn't seem sapient, nor has it displayed hostile actions."[/color]