[center][h2]Nicolas Li[/h2][h3]??? — Forest Shrine[/h3][/center] Once the other girl had awoken from her slumber, Nick let out a small grunt as he pushed himself back to his feet and nodded his head in mild acknowledgement. Seeing as how this was a fantasy world, the name Jormungandr, while certainly a mouthful, did obviously bring to mind the world serpent of Norse mythology. There were... A lot of things that could be said about the girl in the moment, but seeing as how he was quite evidently out of his depth on almost all fronts with regards to the pair he was with, the young man chose to keep from making any comments on [i]that[/i] matter in particular. The small kitsune, however, was a different story. There was no meandering about any 'what-ifs' when it came to her assertion of the situation, and seeing how she was quite confident in claiming that it was reincarnation of some sort at play, Nick could only assume that she was in much the same boat as he was... Which meant that the snakelike girl was probably much the same. In a few ways, it was convenient; a shared background meant that there was at least some expectation of social norms that he could use as guideposts. On the other, well... It was a bit awkward, once he considered the situation a bit more, that he seemed to be the only guy here. "Well, if we're all introducing ourselves," he chimed in before slipping his hands into his pockets, "my name's Nicolas Li; feel free to call me Nick. As for navigation... Sorry. I was born and raised in the city; never had any interest in even hiking, much less camping or anything like that. The best I can do is offer vague factoids from survival videos, and I'd rather not gamble on that if we can help it." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze][@Pyromania99]