The man sniffed at Senjen, wiped his nose with one hand then made a face and looked behind him. “Whatever, man.” Light spun around inside his suit and looked out of the windows. The Grand Concourse was beginning to transition to night time. He couldn’t see anything or anybody out there watching them, but he knew that didn’t count for much. [i]”I don’t know. I suppose It's possible, though perhaps that's what the atrium tech is there to stop? I’d really like to avoid getting involved any more than we currently are. Lets just stay quiet and get out of here as quickly as possible. Keep that chip close, that unlocks our money I think.”[/i] He’d been in a ‘casino’ before but had never seen the appeal of giving away money with no sure chance of return. Some QV he’d known had discovered the appeal and gotten deep into debt. “Umm. Are we done here?” Light ventured. “Stay there. Just need to verif-Ahh, here is my little princess!” The man chuckled, holding out his arms and crouching down. The old woman tottered over in her food-stained apron with a big smile on her face, holding the hand of a girl. The child clutched a pink stuffed animal close to her chest and eyed Light and Senjen curiously. Even as she went into the man’s embrace she looked at them. “Have you eaten?” The old woman asked them both gruffly. “Err, yes. Thank you.” Light replied, his stomach grumbling violently. “I’ll make you both some noodle soup.” She decided, turning and shuffling back towards the kitchen. “Ma, leave them alone, they’re leaving after we check this little piece of info. Here you go princess.” The man shouted after his mother, before softening his voice for the girl. He gently stroked her forehead and her eyes rolled back. The man stood up gradually, then looked back at Light and Senjen, beaming proudly. “This is my daughter. Isn’t she the cutest?” Then the girl collapsed on the floor, a background hum that Light hadn’t even noticed before stopped, and the lights went out.