definetly didn't sneak back here... i recovered an old draft for a mca application I made for wco, and I decided why not chuck her in here :3 she was originally intended for SHC but that can be subject to change :P [hider=SnowPaw] yeah yeah I already got an hr here but why not I can juggle it :P Meet Snowpaw! A happy-go-lucky, white she cat who is always upbeat. She loves a good challenge, and when she gets focused, she can get pretty serious. She's an honest optimist, but she will admit when she fails. I think you'll love her! —--------------- Snowpaw is a happy-go-lucky, honest optimist. She's quite upbeat! But when she needs to be focused, she gets pretty serious! She will always admit to her failures. She doesn't enjoy real fighting and does what she can to stop it. She'll always put a smile on her patients' faces! Though.. she also has slight anxiety at times and can have short/small mental breakdowns. Though it's easy for her to talk her feelings away. —------------ Snowpaw is a bright white she cat with small hints of a cream colorpoint. She has big, round, blue eyes and a bright smile. She has a long, fluffy tail. She has medium-length fur with a feminine, charming shape. She has a fluffy, small swoopy tuft of fur on her head in between her ears. —--------- [b] (this is in snowpaw's perspective) [/b] As a warrior apprentice, I didn't take pride in the fighting lessons and was a bad hunter. Instead, I drifted away to sniff and pick herbs. My friends teased me saying I would be a good medicine apprentice, and I would just look at them and say, "Yes, I'd be great at it!" When I realized I could, I just had to come try. I plan to be the best medicine cat I can be! I'll put a smile on patients' faces, and laugh them silly! As they say, "Laughter is often the best medicine." —-------------- [b]done in snowpaw's perspective [/b] [i]I, Snowpaw of [insert]clan, pledge to dedicate my paws and mind to healing, my heart to all those sick, my support to all those suffering, and my life to being a healer.[/i] [/hider] /edit: if u would rather her be regular medicine cat I can do that and just pull a suffix from the list of name ideas I have- and yes I knows herbs, I am exp in most as I learned from WCUE and I could always learn more [@isla]