The choices this Human made were bizarre enough to leave Senjen stunned for a moment. Not only did he bring out a small child, but he handed over an unknown file to her for reasons Senjen could not understand. He had been preparing for what to do in case the file seemed like an imminent danger, but he was caught off-guard enough by what the Human was doing that he did not realize until it was too late. It was sudden when the lights shut off. His sensors could adjust just fine to the dark, and given that QV evolved in the near-lightless depths, he imagined Light was fine as well. Regardless of their ability to see, however, nothing in view could answer the question of what was happening. “What’s going on?” Senjen questioned aloud. His gaze went to his surroundings, to any entrances to try and identify threats. He did not arm himself just yet, but it went without saying that he was on-alert. It did not take much effort for him to appear surprised, because it was not [i]really[/i] an act. He and Light may have had more information than the rest, but he still had little clue as to what was happening.