"Navigating?" Jor said, tapping the side of her face in thought. "Well, I don't even know if any of the tricks from our world would work here. The sun could rise from the south and set in the east for all we know. Not that I really traveled more than to university and the store." The snake-like woman would mention before shrugging considering some options before smiling at the two people in front of her "Regardless, pleasure to meet the both o' you. Nick and... Hikari?" Nick seemed kinda like a normal guy, relatively. After all, Jor had this new serpentine body, one that was a bit bigger now than when she was still a niche author and Hikari was some sort of cute fox girl. Speaking of, Jor patted the small Fox girl on the head. It was soothing to do. Not wanting to leave Nick out, she thought to take a step toward him and offer a handshake but he had his hands in his pockets already so she opted to not offer for now. With that out of her consideration, she decided to take a look around the area a bit more. See if there was nothing that seemed to be out of place or perhaps stood out. Maybe a sigh of which way they could go. "Well, if we don't find any trail or anything, maybe we should just head in a random direction? It's probably better than staying here. Could find a rock to make marks in trees so we could always find our way back here if we needed to." It was a suggestion alright. She wasn't really sure of survival tips or tricks but it sounded good to her. "And does anyone else hear that noise? An animal?" She asked, concerned about the noise she heard.