[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Warm snow crunching beneath his feet and a featureless moon dominating the sky over an alien forest. Had Fionn been the sort to marvel at such things, he would have; however, after years of knowing Fiadh, and everything else he'd run into during his time as a mercenary and then as a knight, he'd long since stopped being surprised at such things. Compared to Merilia's world, after all, this one was positively empty. He spun at the same moment as Fanilly hearing the voice behind them, gazing up at the giant bird-headed man that had addressed them—and dropped instantly towards his feet, spying the trailing hair before the queen of the realm stepped out into view. Shorter than Fiadh—who, thankfully, had since gotten [i]off[/i] his back and was contently standing to his side—but far more [i]distinctive[/i] in appearance. Among the colorblind, Fiadh could at least pass for normal so long as they didn't look to her feet. This 'Moonlit Queen' of theirs, however... The captain's rapidly-grown hair didn't garner much reaction from him other than his moving his feet to keep from treading upon it. Tyaethe stepped forward next, before he had the chance to speak, as Gertrude came and whispered in his ear. [color=#008b8b]"I don't think the game has started yet,"[/color] he whispered back. [color=#008b8b]"And I don't think this is one she's going to play over."[/color] Nor did it make much sense to waste time when they were in a place where they were at many disadvantages compared to its creator. He stepped forward, over Fanilly's trailing locks, one hand placed on Tyaethe's shoulder and pulling her back a bit as he passed to the front. [color=#008b8b]"Do you mean the one that disabled it at the very last, or the one that took out its heart?"[/color] he asked, facing the short, antlered girl with a friendly smile. Dissembling would only waste time, and outright lying would make their job likely far harder than needed; better to get to the heart of things as quickly as possible. The fae girl had turned her frown from the captain to Tyaethe, but now turned to look up at him with a curious glance, lip half-curled into a fresh grin. "Of [i]course[/i] I mean its heart," she replied, cocking her head again. "Are you all going to be so silly about this~?" [color=#008b8b]"Aye, well, that was me, then!"[/color] he replied without missing a beat, pulling his sword partway out of its scabbard at his belt to show the burnt-out runework, alongside the ruined hilt furniture on the otherwise-pristine blade. [color=#008b8b]"Led to this, too, so I'm sure our smith won't be too happy with me. Good work on your guardian."[/color]