[color=6644ff]”These two-“[/color] Jack sidestepped a small golden projectile that Salem tossed his way. [color=6644ff]”Are criminals. Let them be caught assaulting two innocents on the streets.”[/color] It was hardly Jack’s intent to interrupt his enemies when they made a mistake. He liked to let his enemies be their own downfall from time to time, like the trickster he was. Serena’s eyes went black, and wings sprouted from her shoulders, forming out of thin air like they were [i]always[/i] there, only invisible. It wasn’t quite a full animal transformation, and it was anyone’s guess what the point was. Her blood slicked down to the pavement. [color=orange]”You always were a smug motherfucker, Hawthorne-“[/color] Salem’s shadow stretched around him and he fell through it. A portal above Serena’s head split open, causing Salem to crash down onto his daughter like a rock. [color=6644ff]”When will you learn that I am the one person in the cosmos that you should [i]not[/i] consider stealing from?”[/color] Jack taunted. [color=6644ff]”Annika, I apologize for this. If I had any idea these two would be here, we might’ve end to Boston instead… I suppose now is a good chance to practice your magic.”[/color]