[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — [i]The Dancing Donkey[/i][/h3][/center] Anne had plenty of questions for Mokou and Youmu once they arrived, namely what they'd been up to and whether Rayne and Sanae were both still alive. It was a relief to know that [i]some[/i] of the threats around here had been dealt with, and a few new allies found to boot—in turn, she filled the pair in about the party's new royal sponsor, and the skeletal monsters lurking in tunnels beneath the city. "Whatever their creator was planning, we probably at least delayed it for a while. At least enough to get a night's sleep..." Her exhaustion was showing, but nonetheless she led the way into the inn, right up to the man at the counter and his textbook customer-service smile. For her part, Anne did her best to return it, though her strain might have been leaking through a little. "...A drink." Those were the first words out of her mouth, blowing their way past conscience and good sense. A day like this needed to be drowned with a good beer... Or did they call it ale here? Didn't matter. "And food for all my friends here, plus enough beds for each of us." She glanced over her shoulder at the others. "Unless anyone's willing to share?" It'd save them money, but she didn't know if any of them trusted each other that well yet, even if half their number came from the same place.